Friday, February 14, 2014

2.14.14 Growing Love

While I love sewing, yesterday put that to the test. A local church hosted a Daddy-Daughter Dance "to help our daughters learn how they should be treated on a date." As Greg and I both love to dance, and I loved dancing with my dad when I was a teenager, and with Greg now, we thought it would be a fun expereince.

 However, one small hangover from being a teenager was my thought that to attend a dance you need a new dress. This was a challenge and an opportunity. It is also how I learned to sew. I would stay up late on Friday night and work on it some on the Saturday prior to the dance, that evening. I would make a dress every other week or so. I loved the bargain fabric at Joann's and my mom had quite a stash that she shared. I didn't follow the exact rules of dress making, I have learned a lot from my very talented Mother-In-Law, and sisters-in-law. And continue to find a lot of joy engaging my right brain in some strenuous exercises.

With that said, I haven't sewn much since my boys broke my trusty Bernina sewing machine last summer. The tumble from the table to the tile floor twisted the cast iron main frame. In November I had saved enough money to buy a manual viking. I have tentatively used it on easy things like fleece blankets and pajamas, but a dress was a new challenge. Putting in the invisible zipper, after having to re-fit the dress when I finally got Anna back home, made me SUPER happy with the purchase. It took one try, one seam on each side and voila nice zipper. My Cinderellas went out to the ball and this tired Fairy Mamma slumped in a chair.
Phew! It takes a lot more to dress and style two people than just one. Note the extra kids in all the pictures. They flit, they fly, they flop into any opportunity to be seen!
Aliza is wearing the blue dress I made for Anna to portray the fairy Godmother at the Mother's Tea last spring. Aliza loves princess dresses and was so thankful to have the opportunity to wear it some more. She is a tall girl. 

Before they left they had to eat dinner. It was a bit crazy to say the least. Inadvertently, Millie was left downstairs. While I was finishing up some hair stuff I heard her climbing the stairs. There are a lot of stairs in our house, but she was determined to join the crowd! (Which has been her mantra since way back when!) For the last 4 steps, Mark held out a tempting bottle of pears, her favorite, and she triumphantly made the last of  her trek. Aren't we such good trainers? The kids make sure and leave all kinds of interesting, stimulating, and not necessarily baby safe toys littered around the house so she is learning all about the world around her. (note the pencil she brought with her).
The dance was really fun. They had a good time dancing with Greg and one other dad and their friends. Aliza even won a dance off contest! They came home radiant and rosy cheeked with a tired dad. My heart melts watching him father these daughters. He is such a protector and man that I fell in love with at a dance not so long ago.

Finally, for our love day celebration the kids were elated to receive balloons and flowers from mom and dad- as Aliza said "It shows mom and dad love us a lot that they gave us presents!" These flowers and balloons rounded out a very sugar filled day of valentine's celebration and school. However, they were second offerings after our kind Papa brought them hearts of chocolate.

Happy Valentine's Day.

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