Tuesday, February 25, 2014

2.15.14 A Change from Normal

Our traditional Valentine's Celebration includes candles, chicken cordon bleu and apple pie. This year was no different. We added more candles and it was a pretty experience.

The girls love the ambiance and the boys are mesmerized by the flames everywhere. After they started putting their hands over the flames to see how warm they were we turned the lights back on and finished the dinner. Things got rowdy from there and we delayed pie until Saturday morning.

As is with all calories consumed here we try to keep an even score between work done and calories consumed. So after our turn cleaning the church we played some basketball.

Greg and Jay played one on one first. Jay didn't realize his "old" brother was so capable! Greg is a great defender and when in practice a great player. He hasn't played fro years because we haven't felt comfortable taking the risk of him turning an ankle. He is our main man in the bringing the bacon home department... but with the kids HUGE amount of interest in playing basketball, that may- read hopefully- change in the near future. Neither brother scored. Greg was a lot for Jay to handle. And even if you don't score if you keep your opponent from scoring the score is even. :)

After a few minutes play the kids joined in. They had a great time. As I told an onlooker not many people have a basketball team at their house!

A tip off to see who could get it. Grandma was a good ref!

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