Thursday, February 13, 2014

2.13.14 Eyes to See

Through the ‘patient eye of love,’ mothers develop a special knowledge of their children—a knowledge that gives them unique insight into what the truly ‘best practices’ for each child should be” (Jenet Jacob Erickson, “Love, Not Perfection, Root of Good Mothering,” Deseret News, May 12, 2013, G3) From D. Todd Christoferson Oct 2013 The Moral Force of Women
For Mark's birthday he requested cinnamon twists for the treat to share with his class in celebration. His classmates were excited to taste and were delighted with the experience. I was treated to listening to each one of their observations about Mark. His teacher has each child share this sentence " I like (birthday kid) because..." It was so heartwarming to hear what his classmates observed and appreciated about Mark. Many said his smile, or that he was nice, or that he was happy but the ones that really stuck out to me was that he:

"Stands up for kids that are getting picked on."
 "He stops bullies."
"He is always polite."
"He is always, always, always doing what's right!"
"He tries hard and always does his best."

As the Mom I don't see many of those things. I'm focused on the kid who is day dreaming, stubbornly pursuing his own agenda or just pushing my limits. I have to admit as I watched each of my children's classrooms, how the students behaved and how the teachers dealt with lots of bodies I realized I need to double down my efforts at home to make it a happy, replenishing place. A place where they can re-charge and be ready to go back into battle where they will make good choices, help others, learn new and challenging skills and ideas. I need to repent of having not so patient eyes and be more concerned with the whole picture not just today.

I would have said I like Mark because he is strong. He knows what he wants and NOTHING stops him from that thing. He lives with purpose and he is conscientious about how his toys are organized when playing, staying in the lines when coloring, how his clothes look. Mark is also very strong in his understanding of right and wrong and the gospel of Jesus Christ. I imagine Peter the apostle was much like Mark. A defender of the right! I'm thankful for this challenging person (he's a mini-adult who has been so frustrated not being big and capable, faster. I'm the small adult trying to contain, channel and train this big person in a small body). He has stretched my limits and made me grow. He is a blessing to have in my home.

When we got home some of the first words I heard were "Mom the pigs are coming around the corner...!!" Those are never good words. Sot he next hour was spent herding pigs. They are smart, agile, and with both being out very curious. If one pig remains in the pig then the other is much more concerned with getting back in with it's pen-mate, if they are both out it is fun and comfortable to root-up my lawn see the chickens, stroll the lane and whatever else looks appealing. When I went out to help I found this

Yep that soup is treacherous. Harold is balanced very delicately on the thing rim of the hog trough. I was so worried he would land full body in the slop- which is beyond stinky! He did not and we managed to get the pigs in thanks to Uncle Jay and some barrier creation.

We then went on to dinner, mutual, and on to Valentine's.

The same ones every year. A dum-dum sucker with a construction paper cape saying 'You're Super.'  Aliza makes flower petals with the sucker pushed through the middle.
And because I think she is adorable Millie playing with the paper. I love round baby faces! Happy Valentines Day!
Did you know 73% flowers bought on Valentine's Day are by women.Dr. Laura said if you want an occasion to be a certain way then make it happen, don't be mad someone didn't read your mind.

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