Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring Break 2015

Greg bought multiple buses a few years ago. I wondered what we would do with them. Addie loves to play bus driver in them. Livy is a willing passenger entering and exiting multiple times a session.
Planting garden with grandma Corn. She purchased this planter and the boys were dying for changes to try planting some seeds. Lots of carrots were planted.

Farmer Mark was in heaven tending to the cows morning and night. Millie would also give them handfuls so cute watching her pitch in her contribution to the hungry bovines.

Donating books to the library for modern woodmen this month.

Science fair project. John investigated which adhesive made the strongest bridges.

Reading the book with no pictures. So good. you should read it. Guaranteed smiles every time.

Putting the cloud ceiling away. Lots of rolling. That is long material. fun to see what uncle don and aunt Shauna create. They are amazing.

Bowling party for modern woodmen. Livy was the high score of the night. She would march up to the slide give her push and get a strike or spare 5 times. Amazing. the bigger kids bowled a lot of gutter balls. not sure there was a lot of trying going on. a lot of laughing though.

Anna defrosted and organized this freezer. So nice.

Harold put together these shelves. We learned a lot about being careful, paying attention to instructions and pieces and completely doing the job. He didn't put on rubber stoppers first go so had to unload all 500 lbs of wheat and put on 2 of the 4 stoppers, then when reloading the shelves he broke the shelf so we had to get stronger shelving which was a good thing to learn at that point. We fixed all these problems and finally got the job done the next day. still love going and looking at the orderly room. So nice.

Natural consequences are good but so hard as the mom to patiently work through them. Patience to be a parent with so many chirping baby birds is extremely hard. Hopefully with a nap today and some more completed projects- still working on the science fair experience- things will be a little brighter.

We also got a picnic in but it was such a fiasco leaving I couldn't manage any pictures. It was glorious though. Nature and spring are good medicine for the tired frustrated heart and soul. And so good to pass traditions on to my kids.

3.30.15 Afton 2 mos

Afton had an impromptu photo shoot last night. She is two months old.  Her brother is having fun helping with the shots as well.

Tried to get her smile caught on camera but one handed and her quick movements didn't quite get it all together.

My best baby holder. She is always available and is pretty patient holding Afton.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

3.18.15 How Do You Do That?

Today a friend asked a question that really made me think. How do you raise such a large family? How do you manage the sacrifices the hard times, how do you survive? (this is the essence of the question I for the life of me can't remember the exact wording, oh faulty short term memory).
I stumbled around thinking about all the articles and people who have given me courage, insight, and determination. I thought all day about those questions. Why do I do this? Why do I think I can should and can?
My first thought well I like babies. Which would almost be laughable if you knew me a few years ago. But babies are becoming more and more appealing as the kiddos get bigger and the questions, guilt and concern, and expectations get exponentially bigger.

I thought about how confident my husband is in my ability to raise this family. He inherited his father's confidence that they are right, capable, and there are few better than them. It is an amazing gift to not doubt.

I thought about my own metamorphosis into this mom gig. Do you ever hear your children calling for mom and wonder where their mother is. I tell you what it's sometimes hard to accept the reality that this is ALL mine.

Which brings me to one of the real  pieces of why I think I can and should do this. My mom. This is what my mom did. I think she is a very wise woman. She gives timely counsel in very small amounts. She doesn't but in or even touch base very often for fear of butting in, but when I get more than the routine how's everybody check I garner large pearls of wisdom from her.
Growing up I didn't value her wisdom or her devotion. She is the epitome of the does it all mom.
She chose this. She chose to make bread, can fruit, make clothes, decorate our house wall paper and all. She knew how to train animals for fair, budget money and do books for the farm, she lead church organizations and was a room mother. She is savvy about nutritious eating and exercise, she is very spiritual and has a strong and personal testimony. She liked to sing old songs. She rewarded or bribed us through her orthodontist appointments by taking us to the zoo and to feed the ducks in Boise. She knew how to ride motorcycles and worked in a restaurant and a nursing home before getting married. In my mind she was pretty accomplished.
I played the part of difficult first child pretty well. I definitely put her through the hard knocks course. She didn't give up on me and she didn't quit or lock me out. I deserved all of that. But because of her choice and her actions I know I can do this. I know because she did. I watched her survive hard physical, emotional, monetary, and family situations. I marvel at her faith and her endurance. I'm not as tough or strong as her. In fact it was interesting as I talked to some of my sisters today how much I could hear parts of my mom in their conversation from one feeling guilty, to the other feeling strongly about life needing to be less fluffy!

See I believe there is not anything more important that I could do. I know co-workers while friendly would be my competition. I know that nothing is as world changing as people who are decent, have integrity, are willing to work hard,  be kind, and who follow God. I know I cannot affect generations of people in a more sure way than in my family. Am I a saint or perfect or patient. NOT AT ALL. I have so many things to work on to be a better parent it's haunting. However I watched my mother learn and grow, so I know I can too.

I guess because I learned so much from my spectacular mother I hope that I can and will be that positive influence on my kids. I hope they have my memory problems and forget the bad and ugly times and remember the good. My hope in all this writing is to preserve the proof that we did good and were good in the midst of all the hard stuff. So the answer is I do this much like my mother did with some exceptions of course, but I do it because she made such a difference in my rebellious rude life - loving and praying me into the better person she knew I could become. Mothers are the most powerful influence for changing the world, just ask their children. Thank you mom
mastering the wet hair wrap I do after a shower

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

3.17.15 Different by Choice

I never know what to expect when the kids come home from school. Last night was a new one that I'm sure we will repeat again and again through the coming years. I was informed that we are weird for having such a big family. I was asking number one daughter about the academic bowl and suggested taking all the kiddos to which she got very scared and confided all the teachers and all her friends think it is very strange we have so many kids. My first reaction was "What business is it of theirs?" And my second was to calmly deduce who everyone was as I was trying to gain insight into how to handle this. Upon learning it is mainly one teacher and one friend, we discussed why we have a big family and how we are different on purpose.

Selfies in the car with the new phone

As I drove to town to get the others from the bus I called a sister who confirmed she was a bit embarrassed of our mom in middle school too. I remembered my dad telling how he would walk way in front of his parents if out in public with them. I guess it's a normal stage. I decided I was not going to cower at home because of some ill-thoughts.  I decided to go and just try to be cool, or push my parental luck. I threatened to go to the event in my home clothes, just to confirm the weirdness, but decided to maintain my self-respect and got my town clothes on.
Very thoroughly cleaning up one whole hand soap container worth of clean!
 I also took Afton. Harold and Aliza were also competing so we had a whopping four kiddos there. I understand we are different and we are big. I also pointed out we work really hard at teaching and enforcing manners so we are not a horrendous scene wherever we go. All things said we were not the only family, I was not the only mother there, and we moved on with our lives.

John my leprechaun!
 Another thing I really love about the grade school my kids go to, the parents are present. They show up to events and they are around the classroom. They stay at birthday parties and visit, they are very much part of the whole package of their children's lives. I love it! If anything I am one of the more absent parents.

The offender child number 10! She's getting big I was making the most of my time watching the kids compete trying to get Afton to smile again.
Now I realize the kids are growing up an need space but I also think it is important to stay knowledgeable about what is going on. I have attend the special morning class with the number one daughter and I went last night, and I email her teachers whenever I have questions. This is my job as a mom. And if I have the audacity to have more and more children, well I better do a good job!! (If you could read my mind you would know how doubtful I am at completing that task.)

The kids in the front of this picture are siblings to kids competing. Hmmm. Most people do have families and it's good!

I think more popcorn was consumed than serious brain thinking. It was an honor to these 5-6 graders to compete against 7-8th graders from around the valley. Fun night and hard questions.
But alas, all worrying aside, I told said teen daughter I believe we are a good family and I believe it is good we are willing to have children and push come to shove I think those said teachers would also be grateful to have students like mine in their humble classrooms. The fight goes on. That's the bottom line I have signed up for this parent gig longer than most, of my own choosing, so I will wipe more noses, endure more rounds of antibiotics, hunt for more shoes, and train more bowels, minds, and spirits. It's probably best not to dwell  too much on it, I might lock myself in my room and never come out. But on the flip side I see more success, feel more love, and enjoy more personalities so we will keep on truckin on, and defending our life to the teachers. Yeah, life is good. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

3.16.15 Cake Auction

The annual cub scout cake auction came and went. I always let the boys decide what they want to do. John chose a tank and Mark chose a barnyard. We googled each of these cakes and got some ideas on how to make these a reality.

I am most definately an impressionist not a realist. We go for the impression of the idea not an exact replica. It tasted good and that was the important thing. The boys made the cakes and helped with some of the frosting.

I was so proud of that barn. It was rice krispies covered with royal icing...Unfortunately it was too heavy for the soft cake and fell over in transit. This whole cake was great on the counter but moving it was an nightmare. Again it taste good and Mark was super pleased. He was most happy that great grandma Corn bought it so Mark didn't loose his farm animals.

And my personal favorite the lemon sunshine cake. This light fluffy masterpiece is just delicious. I also made a german chocolate cake, a sugar free peach pie for my dad and donated a bucket of ice cream. I always wondered why we had all that cake and never any ice cream? This year I brought the solution to the problem. It's always a fun night with lots of excitement and enjoyment of being with friends. There are some amazingly talented moms who make mouthwatering cakes. Happy Monday!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

3.11.15 Mark & Afton Advancement

This weekend was a big day for Mark and Afton. Mark got baptized by Greg! Grandpa Saunders spoke about baptism and Grandma Corn spoke about the Holy Ghost. Mark was pretty excited. He is a serious funny kid. Meaning he gets life and wants to know how things really are. But he is funny and his smile lights up a room. He stands up for others and helps them feel safe and good. He is justice and Mercy. And listening to his conversations with the dishes when he washes them is hilarious. Not much dish washing gets done but he is a funny guy standing there making up stories.

They both borrowed jumpsuits. Greg's is a 2XL because there was no XL and he couldn't stand up straight in the large. Mark was similarly cursed but had not bigger size to swim in. It all worked out and it was a special time nonetheless.

Afton however had a special dress from Aunt Brenda for her blessing. She was beautiful and perfect as always. She is just such a sweet baby we love having her so much.

Aunt Mary meeting Afton

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

3.10.15 A Horrible Rotten Turned Good Day

Yesterday was quite the day. So not fun. To start with it was the first day of Daylight Savings Time. So we got up at 4:30 I mean 5:30 to start the day. That is just too early for decent folks to be functioning. John retrieved ingredients from the downstairs storage room and came up reporting the floor was flooded again. Greg began vacuuming but only got 8 gallons out before having to rush to the bus stop. One more thing to figure out. Soon after the first the kids left I started hearing rumblings downstairs. The little girls got up and Millie was HOT, like panting because she was so fevered. She was grouchy and I knew it was going to be a long day.
She is not a content camper when sick, she demands individual attention. Livy quietly also slipped into a fever a few hours later. They were both droopy and wanted to be held. My mother heart wanted to snuggle each individually but the nursing baby wins as I'm her only source of food. So I tried to keep them on separate sides of me but worried continually about my baby getting sick too.

I was able to sneak away for a bathroom break and left them here. That's a wadded up pancake she would not surrender. Funny kid.  It went to this

I hurried and made the bread we needed for lunches. And some muffins to make breakfast a reality some morning in the future.

Reed came and entertained them killing a spider with his trusty broom. He swept it from the ceiling and then bashed it with the brushes. We are very curious about spiders thanks to the Charlotte's Web movie.

He had gone to hang out with Grandpa Saunders because GRandma went shopping with Aunt Sheryl. He had a ball. Much more fun than sitting at home listening to crying. I was workign on organizing a funeral and happened to call a friend whom I confided in. She was so sweet to offer dinner later in the day. I humbly told her I had just used my last freezer meal- those are handy back-ups.
My big kids came home and it was so blessed!!! They are my angels of mercy these days. Anna entertained the crabby girls taking them outside to play and on a four wheeler ride to see the new calves.
At scripture study Aliza revived an old habit. Rubbing my feet. So nice.

My mother in law showed up with groceries she had got while out and about. She bought me snap peas! I love snap peas lately. Hoping to curb some of the sugar stuffing for healthy fruits and veggies. Went up to thank her and ended up watching a Hallmark movie. While watching the movie my baby Afton smiled for the first time- at me! My kids have never smiled at me first, Greg always gets the first one. So my horrible day turned out okay. Parenting is so much about hanging on and realizing this will pass. This hard hour will pass and quite possibly the next hour will be better.

We got the dinner from the friend tonight. It was delicious. And the funeral went great. We have such kind ladies who are willing to serve each other and strangers. It was a good day. My mom was teaching me a few weeks ago the Lord takes what we can give and makes it enough. With Him our offering is enough. We are blessed!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

3.1.15 Toes

Spring is around the corner which means bare feet and lots of naked toes. So we got out the polish and had a painting party. The boys are so anxious to help the girls get prettied. It was like feeding time at a shark pond! We are getting more accomplished though as no polish was spilled all 6 sets of toes were done- Afton is too little- and even some fingernails. Sometimes it's the small things that make good memories too.

And no boys don't get polish here. They just get to apply it! Best to you today. No pictures of the boys helping as I had my hands full refereeing and taking care of Afton. It can be crazy with that many digits working.