Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring Break 2015

Greg bought multiple buses a few years ago. I wondered what we would do with them. Addie loves to play bus driver in them. Livy is a willing passenger entering and exiting multiple times a session.
Planting garden with grandma Corn. She purchased this planter and the boys were dying for changes to try planting some seeds. Lots of carrots were planted.

Farmer Mark was in heaven tending to the cows morning and night. Millie would also give them handfuls so cute watching her pitch in her contribution to the hungry bovines.

Donating books to the library for modern woodmen this month.

Science fair project. John investigated which adhesive made the strongest bridges.

Reading the book with no pictures. So good. you should read it. Guaranteed smiles every time.

Putting the cloud ceiling away. Lots of rolling. That is long material. fun to see what uncle don and aunt Shauna create. They are amazing.

Bowling party for modern woodmen. Livy was the high score of the night. She would march up to the slide give her push and get a strike or spare 5 times. Amazing. the bigger kids bowled a lot of gutter balls. not sure there was a lot of trying going on. a lot of laughing though.

Anna defrosted and organized this freezer. So nice.

Harold put together these shelves. We learned a lot about being careful, paying attention to instructions and pieces and completely doing the job. He didn't put on rubber stoppers first go so had to unload all 500 lbs of wheat and put on 2 of the 4 stoppers, then when reloading the shelves he broke the shelf so we had to get stronger shelving which was a good thing to learn at that point. We fixed all these problems and finally got the job done the next day. still love going and looking at the orderly room. So nice.

Natural consequences are good but so hard as the mom to patiently work through them. Patience to be a parent with so many chirping baby birds is extremely hard. Hopefully with a nap today and some more completed projects- still working on the science fair experience- things will be a little brighter.

We also got a picnic in but it was such a fiasco leaving I couldn't manage any pictures. It was glorious though. Nature and spring are good medicine for the tired frustrated heart and soul. And so good to pass traditions on to my kids.

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