Tuesday, March 10, 2015

3.10.15 A Horrible Rotten Turned Good Day

Yesterday was quite the day. So not fun. To start with it was the first day of Daylight Savings Time. So we got up at 4:30 I mean 5:30 to start the day. That is just too early for decent folks to be functioning. John retrieved ingredients from the downstairs storage room and came up reporting the floor was flooded again. Greg began vacuuming but only got 8 gallons out before having to rush to the bus stop. One more thing to figure out. Soon after the first the kids left I started hearing rumblings downstairs. The little girls got up and Millie was HOT, like panting because she was so fevered. She was grouchy and I knew it was going to be a long day.
She is not a content camper when sick, she demands individual attention. Livy quietly also slipped into a fever a few hours later. They were both droopy and wanted to be held. My mother heart wanted to snuggle each individually but the nursing baby wins as I'm her only source of food. So I tried to keep them on separate sides of me but worried continually about my baby getting sick too.

I was able to sneak away for a bathroom break and left them here. That's a wadded up pancake she would not surrender. Funny kid.  It went to this

I hurried and made the bread we needed for lunches. And some muffins to make breakfast a reality some morning in the future.

Reed came and entertained them killing a spider with his trusty broom. He swept it from the ceiling and then bashed it with the brushes. We are very curious about spiders thanks to the Charlotte's Web movie.

He had gone to hang out with Grandpa Saunders because GRandma went shopping with Aunt Sheryl. He had a ball. Much more fun than sitting at home listening to crying. I was workign on organizing a funeral and happened to call a friend whom I confided in. She was so sweet to offer dinner later in the day. I humbly told her I had just used my last freezer meal- those are handy back-ups.
My big kids came home and it was so blessed!!! They are my angels of mercy these days. Anna entertained the crabby girls taking them outside to play and on a four wheeler ride to see the new calves.
At scripture study Aliza revived an old habit. Rubbing my feet. So nice.

My mother in law showed up with groceries she had got while out and about. She bought me snap peas! I love snap peas lately. Hoping to curb some of the sugar stuffing for healthy fruits and veggies. Went up to thank her and ended up watching a Hallmark movie. While watching the movie my baby Afton smiled for the first time- at me! My kids have never smiled at me first, Greg always gets the first one. So my horrible day turned out okay. Parenting is so much about hanging on and realizing this will pass. This hard hour will pass and quite possibly the next hour will be better.

We got the dinner from the friend tonight. It was delicious. And the funeral went great. We have such kind ladies who are willing to serve each other and strangers. It was a good day. My mom was teaching me a few weeks ago the Lord takes what we can give and makes it enough. With Him our offering is enough. We are blessed!

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