Monday, March 16, 2015

3.16.15 Cake Auction

The annual cub scout cake auction came and went. I always let the boys decide what they want to do. John chose a tank and Mark chose a barnyard. We googled each of these cakes and got some ideas on how to make these a reality.

I am most definately an impressionist not a realist. We go for the impression of the idea not an exact replica. It tasted good and that was the important thing. The boys made the cakes and helped with some of the frosting.

I was so proud of that barn. It was rice krispies covered with royal icing...Unfortunately it was too heavy for the soft cake and fell over in transit. This whole cake was great on the counter but moving it was an nightmare. Again it taste good and Mark was super pleased. He was most happy that great grandma Corn bought it so Mark didn't loose his farm animals.

And my personal favorite the lemon sunshine cake. This light fluffy masterpiece is just delicious. I also made a german chocolate cake, a sugar free peach pie for my dad and donated a bucket of ice cream. I always wondered why we had all that cake and never any ice cream? This year I brought the solution to the problem. It's always a fun night with lots of excitement and enjoyment of being with friends. There are some amazingly talented moms who make mouthwatering cakes. Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. What awesome cakes! I've enjoyed being a Webelos leader because we always made a cake to donate too. It's fun watching boys come up with cake ideas.
