Wednesday, March 11, 2015

3.11.15 Mark & Afton Advancement

This weekend was a big day for Mark and Afton. Mark got baptized by Greg! Grandpa Saunders spoke about baptism and Grandma Corn spoke about the Holy Ghost. Mark was pretty excited. He is a serious funny kid. Meaning he gets life and wants to know how things really are. But he is funny and his smile lights up a room. He stands up for others and helps them feel safe and good. He is justice and Mercy. And listening to his conversations with the dishes when he washes them is hilarious. Not much dish washing gets done but he is a funny guy standing there making up stories.

They both borrowed jumpsuits. Greg's is a 2XL because there was no XL and he couldn't stand up straight in the large. Mark was similarly cursed but had not bigger size to swim in. It all worked out and it was a special time nonetheless.

Afton however had a special dress from Aunt Brenda for her blessing. She was beautiful and perfect as always. She is just such a sweet baby we love having her so much.

Aunt Mary meeting Afton

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1 comment:

  1. Looks like it was a good weekend. Little Afton is growing up! Sorry your little girls were sick. :( Miss you guys.
