Tuesday, June 30, 2015

6.30.15 Death

Today my grandmother Lois Corn passed from this earth to the next life.

It's interesting how things work out and God proves his hand in all things. My dad commented he had asked her a while ago how he would know what to do and she told him when the time comes you will be guided and know what to do.

Last week after visiting her on Thursday- it was a good visit, we headed to library and got a flier for a special program today. I thought it looked fun but wasn't super committed. We had some frustration yesterday and thus a cancellation of plans to go to town. We also found many pre-requisites for Harold's upcoming scout camp and we realized we had to go today. I deposited him at an interview with an extension agent to learn about the endangered sage grouse, and got the kids to the library program. I retrieved him and we went on to his first physical. I checked my texts in a quick moment things turned. My dad said at 10:20 that grandma was unresponsive and come if you choose that it was time to release her.

We finished the physical collected books and kids from the library and headed over to her assisted living residence.

After our last visit on Thursday she developed a hernia which was very painful. It was mercifully decided to operated and fix the hernia. She had surgery Friday woke up Saturday. We visited Saturday night, and cried a lot and told her we loved her and it was okay to go. Sunday she was up eating breakfast. She was discharged Monday. Had a nice 2 hours tour of the farms and the crops and had her jello and some ensure last night and went to bed. After a restless night she did tell my mom this morning she wanted to go home. When questioned about which home she indicated her heavenly home. And with that she began to withdraw from this life.

On the way to this new situation, I have never been present or desired to be present for a death, I was very worried about bringing 9 children to such a sacred and possibly difficult event. however there was not time for the hour round trip back home and then to her care facility. I lectured and explained that death is a sacred time calling for reverence and quiet. No running around, slugging, punching, arguing, or noisiness. I explained that angels come to escort people home and we did not want to disturb their presence and we wanted it to be a peaceful experience.

We entered the room and my 2 sisters and 2 brothers were there already, along with 3 nieces and 2 nephews and 1 brother in-law. My sister and her husband are nurses and their tender bedside manner and calm professionalism have been rocks of comfort for all of us involved. My parents were in with my grandmother she was peacefully sleeping.

We came in and I observed. I and some of my children told her of our love for her again. I held her hand and cried. I cried a lot this weekend.

The kids were excellent and quiet. They read, they pushed around in the wheel chair and then watched some television. The room was thick with love, concern, sadness and peace from a life well lived and a person much loved. I personally believe there were many extra spirits there.

My dad, brother Dan and brother in-law Clay gave her a blessing of release. My mom and sister tenderly removed the oxygen hose that was mostly ornamental by this time and we watched her slowly mercifully pass from this life to the next. After about 40 minutes later her heart stopped beating. It was peaceful and beautiful.

I have birthed in hospitals and switched to the less invasive birthing center. The quiet tranquility of that event and this are similar. (Yes there is pain involved in both and some breaks to the quiet but the spirit of peace is there in both.)

My brother in-law and sister monitored with stethoscope and called her death at 12:21. WE had gotten there about 11:30. After some tears and composure my brother and brother in-law took 11 of the kids (babies stayed with moms) to Carl's Jr. and we waited for the mortician. The spirits departed and it was just us again.

I'm thankful I was able to be there. I'm thankful for the blessing of birth and death and I am thankful to know and hope and believe in life after death and the plan of salvation.My testimony grew today and my conviction of life after death was solidified as I felt those who have concern for those of us on our journey through mortality. It is with great gratitude that I thank them for their watch and care and concern for our milestones in eternity.

I love my grandmother. Her influence and felt in so many aspects of my life. From our love and craving for literature to my approach to housework. She is one of my greatest mentors and she will be greatly missed even though she lives on in so many habits and traditions we have. Life is short live it well.

6.30.15 Story time

This summer our library asked for volunteers for story time. We love books so we volunteered. It was CRAZY!! but all's well that ends well.
We did a pancake theme. We shared "If you Give a Pig a Pancake..." From there we acted out the little red hen and then ground wheat with a hand grinder and prepared pancake mix with the kids. Then we mixed up some of the mix and made pancakes.

So the highlights were Aliza ground 40 lbs soft white wheat for this activity. We left all the leavening ingredients at home. The stone mill was put together backwards and the screw was stuck. We called Greg for HELP! He of course came to our rescue and saved the day loosening the screw so it could be assembled correctly, and then dashing to the grocery store for the missing ingredients.

Besides being flustered it was fun! Someday I'm going to have it all together but right now I just have us all together! And so we can and do accomplish lots of things. The best part of blogging is remembering (from a distance) and thus realizing the goodness that is mine.

The theme of the summer reading program is every story has a hero and mine does too his name is Greg and how thankful I am for him always helping me succeed. Marriage is great! And I used my ag degree teaching children how flour is made. Fun memory.

Monday, June 29, 2015

6.29.15 Wedding

This year Sheryl married Whit!

 It was a big event with lots of fun and delicious treats! Aunt Brenda made this cake and the flowers. They are made out of food modeling clay... she is so talented. Too bad Afton doesn't like chocolate that was one delicious cake. Only Whit and Sheryl got to taste it though it got forgot in a car in all the hub-bub of late night and lots of people and activity... it went to the garbage.

 It's always amazing when we get the whole family together, we grow a little bigger every year.

With the getting bigger we develop more talents. It was so awesome to watch the kids take down the reception. They are handy helpers and got a big job mastered lickety-split

It won't be long before these two are the ones in the wedding picture. Crazy how time flies. Just a few minutes ago his mom and I were lamenting how slow the time was going and we were sure we would never survive the long nights and days. Now they are awesome interesting teenagers with distinct personalities and abilities that we really depend on. Anna really enjoyed helping with all the wedding festivities and it was a great week having Conner and his brother Caleb here helping on the farm. Enjoy your babies they grow up very fast.

Friday, June 26, 2015

6.26.15 Memorial Day Fun

As per tradition we decorated graves then headed to the headquarters place and had a picnic for memorial day. We feasted on fried chicken and salads and chips!

Visited a lot and went on the annual tractor ride.

 The kids love this not so much for the ride but for the opportunity to drive the tractor. Old tractors move a little slower and are a little more compact than the newer ones and it's quite a thrill to take control of a moving object!

 I admit I stay back and clean up and take care of baby who shouldn't be in the sun all day. But I see the big smiles and hear tales when the ride returns.

 Riding in the bucket of the loader tractor. John just jumped out.

This year we also had a pinata! Holy cow a lot of candy fits in one of those things. My super athlete niece did the honors of splitting it wide open.

 It was a fun add-on to the day and the days that followed as it took some time to eat through all the candy loot. We also observed the moment of silence at 3 pm. President Bush signed it into law that we should observe a moment of silence to honor all those who had given their lives to serve and protect our freedom and way of life. Memorial day was big this year and I think we are all better for it. A big thank you to my father for carrying it on and making it such a highlight of summer. To my grandfather for demanding we picnic and take a break and to my great great grandfather for starting the family picnic tradition long ago.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

6.25.15 afton picture book

 Afton is growing fast! Her sisters make sure to share flowers with her when they find some! It's interesting the many different things she gets to do or be part of. Anna informed me babies are supposed to be repositioned every 20 minutes or so as doctors and develop mentalist are worried babies are getting ignored as their parents chat or text or game. Afton is luck to be in one undisturbed spot for 10 minutes let alone 20. She should be brilliant from all the attention that is showered on her.

 She's learning to move and is not safe to be left on high spots. She has her first semi-black eye this week from flipping off the couch onto a canvas frame left on the floor.

The second selfie of my lifetime. I was trying to get a picture of us as I realize there are no pictures of me with my kids. I really am not comfortable with the new mom me. In my minds eye I look like I did in my twenties...I'm getting much closer to 40 than 30 and need to make peace with the me of now. So here's to taking pictures and sharing them double chin wild hair and all... and all. Afton is becoming a cheese she wasn't sure about the camera being held out instead of in front of her. Head on she hams it up when I take pictures as noted below.

Our best Livy continues to be Afton's best friend. LIvy spends major parts of her day talking to, holding, and playing with Afton. Siblings are a beautiful thing even if they might be "too little" to do what they prove they can! Life is good and we are blessed.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

6.7.15 summer moments

Summer has sprung! It is hot and way busier than I had imagined. I haven't had time to blog nor has our internet worked as little fingers disconnected the phone cords from the wall jack! We are all kinds of busy and curious here. However as I lament the lack of doing all those things we have in the past I have to give credit to the things that are happening. And because it is so helpful to write it down here are a few examples of our summer happenings. The little girls are loving having so much more entertainment and attention from the older kids. They too are becoming older kids!

We run LONG hours in the summer. Up early to garden to bed late because it is cool and there is so much to be done, we try to get a  nap in but the days before reunion were just too full of running. As a result even the big kids fell asleep at dinner time. We worked and worked preparing for the family reunion- as a result our carpets were cleaned, our yard was weeded and trimmed and looked nice and we were excited and tired to host the reunion! It was a great event, we love catching up learning more and in general being part of such a great family!
 My only pictures of the family reunion but this sums it all up. The ingenuity and ability of uncles and cousins to make a new rope swing so that the youngers can enjoys flying through the air! Lots of fun and lots of traditions that are good and fun. My kids got to know their cousins and uncles better they played freely and rested soundly at night after lots of activity. From climbing the silo, to peddling old tractors to rappelling off of rocks it was a time to be remembered.

My John the funny guy. Cherries were very hard on our potty training. I can only handle cherries in the house once a year. I clean up pits for weeks afterwards, we even recently found cherries under a bed. We had gotten them originally the first part of June. One lesson we are working on is picking up and only having food in the kitchen. Dad has helped make that point, hopefully it is sinking in. Cleaning the carpets was a real eye opener as to how dirty our house had become. Lots of people live here and we don't deep clean as much as we should. However I found my sons to be really great, better than me because they were slower, at cleaning our poor used carpet. But the experience did make me wonder how much of my life should be devoted to cleaning vs teaching my children- i know it should go together-, serving, etc?