Thursday, June 25, 2015

6.25.15 afton picture book

 Afton is growing fast! Her sisters make sure to share flowers with her when they find some! It's interesting the many different things she gets to do or be part of. Anna informed me babies are supposed to be repositioned every 20 minutes or so as doctors and develop mentalist are worried babies are getting ignored as their parents chat or text or game. Afton is luck to be in one undisturbed spot for 10 minutes let alone 20. She should be brilliant from all the attention that is showered on her.

 She's learning to move and is not safe to be left on high spots. She has her first semi-black eye this week from flipping off the couch onto a canvas frame left on the floor.

The second selfie of my lifetime. I was trying to get a picture of us as I realize there are no pictures of me with my kids. I really am not comfortable with the new mom me. In my minds eye I look like I did in my twenties...I'm getting much closer to 40 than 30 and need to make peace with the me of now. So here's to taking pictures and sharing them double chin wild hair and all... and all. Afton is becoming a cheese she wasn't sure about the camera being held out instead of in front of her. Head on she hams it up when I take pictures as noted below.

Our best Livy continues to be Afton's best friend. LIvy spends major parts of her day talking to, holding, and playing with Afton. Siblings are a beautiful thing even if they might be "too little" to do what they prove they can! Life is good and we are blessed.

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