Monday, June 29, 2015

6.29.15 Wedding

This year Sheryl married Whit!

 It was a big event with lots of fun and delicious treats! Aunt Brenda made this cake and the flowers. They are made out of food modeling clay... she is so talented. Too bad Afton doesn't like chocolate that was one delicious cake. Only Whit and Sheryl got to taste it though it got forgot in a car in all the hub-bub of late night and lots of people and activity... it went to the garbage.

 It's always amazing when we get the whole family together, we grow a little bigger every year.

With the getting bigger we develop more talents. It was so awesome to watch the kids take down the reception. They are handy helpers and got a big job mastered lickety-split

It won't be long before these two are the ones in the wedding picture. Crazy how time flies. Just a few minutes ago his mom and I were lamenting how slow the time was going and we were sure we would never survive the long nights and days. Now they are awesome interesting teenagers with distinct personalities and abilities that we really depend on. Anna really enjoyed helping with all the wedding festivities and it was a great week having Conner and his brother Caleb here helping on the farm. Enjoy your babies they grow up very fast.

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