Wednesday, June 24, 2015

6.7.15 summer moments

Summer has sprung! It is hot and way busier than I had imagined. I haven't had time to blog nor has our internet worked as little fingers disconnected the phone cords from the wall jack! We are all kinds of busy and curious here. However as I lament the lack of doing all those things we have in the past I have to give credit to the things that are happening. And because it is so helpful to write it down here are a few examples of our summer happenings. The little girls are loving having so much more entertainment and attention from the older kids. They too are becoming older kids!

We run LONG hours in the summer. Up early to garden to bed late because it is cool and there is so much to be done, we try to get a  nap in but the days before reunion were just too full of running. As a result even the big kids fell asleep at dinner time. We worked and worked preparing for the family reunion- as a result our carpets were cleaned, our yard was weeded and trimmed and looked nice and we were excited and tired to host the reunion! It was a great event, we love catching up learning more and in general being part of such a great family!
 My only pictures of the family reunion but this sums it all up. The ingenuity and ability of uncles and cousins to make a new rope swing so that the youngers can enjoys flying through the air! Lots of fun and lots of traditions that are good and fun. My kids got to know their cousins and uncles better they played freely and rested soundly at night after lots of activity. From climbing the silo, to peddling old tractors to rappelling off of rocks it was a time to be remembered.

My John the funny guy. Cherries were very hard on our potty training. I can only handle cherries in the house once a year. I clean up pits for weeks afterwards, we even recently found cherries under a bed. We had gotten them originally the first part of June. One lesson we are working on is picking up and only having food in the kitchen. Dad has helped make that point, hopefully it is sinking in. Cleaning the carpets was a real eye opener as to how dirty our house had become. Lots of people live here and we don't deep clean as much as we should. However I found my sons to be really great, better than me because they were slower, at cleaning our poor used carpet. But the experience did make me wonder how much of my life should be devoted to cleaning vs teaching my children- i know it should go together-, serving, etc?

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