Friday, June 26, 2015

6.26.15 Memorial Day Fun

As per tradition we decorated graves then headed to the headquarters place and had a picnic for memorial day. We feasted on fried chicken and salads and chips!

Visited a lot and went on the annual tractor ride.

 The kids love this not so much for the ride but for the opportunity to drive the tractor. Old tractors move a little slower and are a little more compact than the newer ones and it's quite a thrill to take control of a moving object!

 I admit I stay back and clean up and take care of baby who shouldn't be in the sun all day. But I see the big smiles and hear tales when the ride returns.

 Riding in the bucket of the loader tractor. John just jumped out.

This year we also had a pinata! Holy cow a lot of candy fits in one of those things. My super athlete niece did the honors of splitting it wide open.

 It was a fun add-on to the day and the days that followed as it took some time to eat through all the candy loot. We also observed the moment of silence at 3 pm. President Bush signed it into law that we should observe a moment of silence to honor all those who had given their lives to serve and protect our freedom and way of life. Memorial day was big this year and I think we are all better for it. A big thank you to my father for carrying it on and making it such a highlight of summer. To my grandfather for demanding we picnic and take a break and to my great great grandfather for starting the family picnic tradition long ago.

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