Thursday, June 29, 2017

6.29.17 Back in love

As a family we spend a lot of time serving others. We don't take much thought for ourselves. Which results in happy tired kids and a sense of worth. It also can cause stress, tiredness, messiness, and just plain discouragement at so much to do in so little time. Here we are delivering blankets and hygiene kits that was a community effort to a friend who cares for many others too. 

Everybody keeps growing. Bruce is getting more adamant about doing things himself. Life using a spoon. He would not let Anna put the spoon in his mouth but he would try it himself.

We took some time to watch the new Beauty and the Beast. It was delightful mindless entertainment. I have the song days in the sun stuck in my head. Lucky for me Aliza has it memorized and will sing it for me.

And then an opportunity came to go to girls camp for one night alone with just Greg. I tried to back out as per normal for me. He insisted I go as is normal for him. He of course won. My girls were disgusted we would be crashing their party. I promised to ignore them. WE got to town the restaurant was too full to feed us the deli at the grocery store was closed so we improvised with chips, pop, and a loaf of bread and some ham and lettuce for sandwiches in the car. Greg insisted on ice cream sandwiches for dessert which we tucked in the sleeping bag to stay cold while we attended a musical play. IT was a delightful experience. I love plays. It was so relaxing to just be with him and the 30 girls camp attendees 2 of which I pretended not to know too well.

WE headed back to the campsite preparing some more for his bishopric message. He gave it about patriarchal blessings. Then the girls shared some testimonies (we were informed by moody teen #3 that if we hadn't been there she would have shared more but it was too personal to share in front of us). The girls got word a dear leader friend was about to die. -- I had been attending to that need before I came- and I prayed for her release at the request of her family with the girls. Then I shared my testimony of God's hand in all our Lives and accepting the Will of the FAther. It was good to share.
We slept on cots in a tent- way better than an air beds. I went for a morning hike alone in the crisp forest air. We ate bacon galore for breakfast and enjoyed being mostly free of responsibility and worry. We helped pick up camp and listened to a few more activities and headed home with our teenagers. I came back so rejuvenated. I felt like a person and a wife again. Amazing how a little time away brings life back to the weary soul.
In the midst of two or three very intense church weeks I'm so thankful to have gone and renewed my relationship with my husband. It's been pretty easy to fall apart  just getting life and family done. In fact I promised Aliza last night if I could just make this one last meeting (an emergency ward counsel meeting) I would be back to being her mom and not on the phone all day today.
But I learned and was happy to rediscover that given less stress, responsibility, and commitment Greg and I are both more free to laugh, smile, and enjoy each other. Thank goodness with each rediscovery we find we like and love each other a whole bunch. So grateful for the blessing of being married to such a patient, loving, strong, and wise man.

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