Wednesday, June 7, 2017

6.7.17 Memorial Day

Addie sported this look one night which was a look-a-like to the iris beauty below.

We had a great Memorial Day! An added highlight since my dear grandmother's passing is making the bouquets. Her yard was her happy place, her place to unwind and spend time while she waited or lived while my grandfather farmed.

At the cemetery the kids did well it is fun to share such pretty gifts. We had lots of helpers and the task went well. Some more of the beautiful flowers from her yard.

The dark purple are from my other grandmother's yard. Her husband had a green thumb. He too had/has a beautiful garden. I was commenting to my sisters beautiful the flowers are, and she replied and it's crazy how much time it takes to keep up with them. Yes! Years ago I noticed that the most successful gardeners are those that spend a lot of time caring for their plants. I realized my time was not yet. My job is to tend the many pepole in my house. Just as tender and even more precious than the plants. I need to pluck out weeds, prune, pick, water, ammend, and fertilize these little precious people in my home. This the pondering over what is mothering and what is home management and how do the two combine and divide? I think too much. One of the by products of lots of years being pregnant and the resultant lack of physical fitness and necessity of parenting... lots of thinking. Well enough writing today now to do some doing.

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