Monday, June 5, 2017

6.5.17 School Wrap-Up

This was a fleeting moment, one that we miss now that summer is in full GO mode! She is so loving and concerned about him. Harold was appalled yesterday that Bruce had a doll under his arm after falling asleep in the car. I told him you can always tell who helped him go to sleep. That was Livy. This is Afton. Her comfort item is my garments. They can be seen under sleepy Bruce. I informed Harold I never give Bruce a doll, just a blanket. 

Well school wrapped up on a good note. All passing grades! Some Awards and some scary moments. This was not one. See the faint line? She got a bruise from her weights class. She loved the physical activity and thrived with the older students. She is strong, and discovered that more so as she worked with her peers.

The super writer awards. The reading and writing is really showing. If only my other kids would read so far and wide as Aliza. She is very articulate and interesting. Her mind is fun to listen to. The new teacher was a good bump in rigor on to a good next year too we hope.

I got a not so fun call from the principal of harold's school saying he had fallen and hit his head on the ice at the ice rink in Boise! This was just an hour after hearing my niece had broke her arm at school! All was well just a nice hairline split eye. No trauma or concussion or even too much pain. He was really bummed he was out of skating for the day. He has always done well skating so this was a surprise he heard a yell looked to see what was up and got his shoe in  divit in the ice and down he went into the wall. He's all healed up now.

And the end of the year awards, They learned a lot in the classroom, from their peers and teachers, and gained a lot of independence, confidence, and courage. Life is not easy. We are thankful for such a good environment to challenge and nurture them along as they try out life and learning on their own.

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