Friday, June 30, 2017

6.30.17 Learning Life Lessons

"But when you master the seemingly impossible, it does something for you that fits into your very character for a lifetime, and makes the next impossible thing seem that much easier."-- ( 

I mentioned in the last post how intense this month of June has been with church needs. Thank goodness these events waited until my kids were out of school. My counselors are also more free. I have kids who can work and meet needs, and I have kids who can watch kids while I go assess situations. It has been so Providential! We are a big strong family. My kids have been taught how to work with some skill and endurance. They are very capable and the adage many hands make lighter work is proven time and again.
The sweet flower lady showed up at my door again. Her husband brings them up the stairs and oh it does bring a smile to my face to see the beautiful blossoms. Many different ways to serve.

However even armies have breaking points when being attacked or strung out on too many points. We have gained a reputation for being willing to work. I love that. I hoped for that and am honestly proud of that label. Yet with all the doing I began to drown. I am more of sprinter than endurance runner. I like to get in, get a job done, and get out. When I was younger I  liked to sew clothes in a day or quilt in a day I wasn't interested in months long's the same today.

So when projects extend without end in sight it wearies my soul.

I started delegating to counselors and youth. It was so great to share the load of responsibility and burden. But the load kept getting heavier and more diverse. I needed help. I spent a lot hours on the phone talking, texting, lining up and counseling. It is so refreshing to have willing and able help! Yet it still wasn't enough. So finally I cried Uncle. After a beautiful funeral that went smashingly well, again thanks to such competent energetic ward helpers, and family help with kids, and just miraculously being bore up by angels it was still too much of a crushing load. I asked for an emergency ward counsel meeting. Everyone came in about half an hour and we had our best meeting ever. We came away focused with assignments and a plan. I felt my burdens lifted. I love and know each person individually and respect and love them and their strength. It was a beautiful experience.

Livy loves to take pictures. She insisted on taking a picture of us on Sunday after church. Good to get one as we have very few pictures together. He is my strong man!

I too often muscle through life. I think I can do this on my own. I don't want to bother God, I don't want to impose on others, or be a burden or look to be a lazy wimp. But this week it became too much.
And the result was so much better than I could have done alone. So I learned:
1. A lot of background leg work and information needs to be gathered to proceed on a plan
2. It takes more people than I was thinking of to be successful
3. The answers aren't obvious. Each person in the counsel has specific wisdom to share don't leave any out
4. Real tangible problems are so much easier to address than vague something should be done.
5. BUT people have to ask to get Help. We cannot impose our way on others
6. There is so much strength in UNITY!

We are moving forward with a plan. I am so thankful for each of these people and families I get to serve with right now. We have had our differences and conflicts but we have moved on and do value the ability and service of each other. This was a touching bonding experience that I'm glad I was brought to my knees in submission to learn and be lifted back up by my brothers and sisters in the gospel. God is Good. He is Aware and He does Care.

We all have hard situations in a variety of colors. Yet when we bond together, backed up with a sincere desire to serve the Lord and DO what's Right, and then tapping into the power of prayer life is manageable. I hope I can remember this lesson.

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