Thursday, December 20, 2018

12.19.18 Catching Up- big kids

I used to hate the month of December all the busyness, money being spent, running around and the exhaustion of all the expectations. I never felt like I was doing, spending, or creating enough. I felt so inadequate. 
This year when I was planning Alia's birth in my mind one of my goals was to enjoy my family. I don't want to just trudge through this experience. I can't beat them there are too many, so I'm trying to join them. Yet, still retaining my parental responsibility to correct and corral. However, I want them to undoubtedly know their mother loved them individually and was interested and concerned for them one by one. 
So this December I'm choosing to watch for God's hand helping me. My other prayer around the time of her birth was "God help me!!"  the quick sure reply was "I am and do!" I realized I needed to pay more attention and give credit where it is due. 
Thus, this month has been infinitely better than ever before. Still super busy, full of sugar, and running. Currently my ribs are out and I've spent a few days unable to breathe deeply a result of stress and no naps I think, but I still feel at peace and have had so many great moments with my kiddos.

The night before the Seminary final I sat down with the big kids to help them memorize the 25 scripture mastery verses that they were unsure of. This was a fun teaching and quizzing hour I learned a lot. Notice we all cross our feet the same.

Harold taking a break from studying playing with Alia's ear. She was smiling so big at him he was loving her happiness.

He also is a favorite of Bruce they like to slide down the stairs. Of course Harold now takes up most of the stairwell. But BRuce is excited when Harold comes home so they can slide together. HArold is stretching here.

Still up at the high school. I took a tour to see the door decorations.

This season of sharing and loving has been awesome. We have spent a lot of hours together in the kitchen and the car and the car hours have been great!! We visit, sing, and hug. It's peaceful mostly and heartwarming to share some holiday cheer and love with special people in our lives. We are very blessed to have so many people to love.

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