Friday, December 21, 2018

12.21.18 Catching Up 2

This has been the big potty training month for this terror! He has done very well only having one day of poop everywhere. He misses the big boys and cheers when they come home. Unfortunately it's pretty cold at night to ride four wheelers and do chores especially since he is against wearing pants even with a warm hat it's not enough protection from the weather. 

These three cuties were of course playing santa clause.

The excitement of the first snow over rode mom's instruction to wear pants. They had a ball for 3 minutes running in the fast answer to prayers.

One day Bruce stuck this bean up his nose. AAHHH! I tried to blow it out, youtube said it was so simple. I tried to pick it out with tweezers no go, he's strong. I racked me brain and finally he just snozzed it out. Thank goodness for prayers of grandparents. It was already swelling.

I spend a lot of time coraling them like this. holding them. I do love kid blankets.

John has really opened up this month. He is so happy and excited about life right now. He found his toy soldiers from Christmas past and was enacting a perfect battler.  He was also #3 in the school for reading proficiency. Proud of him! MArk was #4 and Addie was #10.

Livy is accepting school and was excited to win this shirt for her sales efforts for the Harvest fest. She's coming into her own handling school, homework, and routine better and better each day. 

And a normal night at the end of a long day. Just winding down and gaining courage for the final push to bed. 

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