Saturday, December 1, 2018

12.1.18 Alia's Blessing Harold Ordination

We had another two-fer Sunday. These sweet baby got blessed and Harold was ordained to the office of priest. We have enjoyed several of these double dips and are thankful for the next steps each of our children experience. 

We decided Alia would wear Aliza' s blessing dress which was made new with the gift of a beautiful sweater from Great grandma Lasley.

With sickness, teaching, and other commitments we just had grandma Lasley after church. It was highly enjoyable to have her in our home telling stories and visiting. Afton loves to snuggle and jumped right up in grandmas' lap and talked with her. Grandma and Grandpa Saunders joined us for lunch later too.

In the rush of the day a youth talk, both Greg and I taught our classes and the two other special events I did not get a picture of Harold with his dad and Grandpa's. Drat! John and I had rushed to compose his youth talk before church. He is a funny guy who gets the gospel. I am so thankful when I work one on one with my kiddos that they do know the gospel and understand how it applies to daily life. We need to work on learning to tie his own tie though. Even though I don't mind too much helping him. It was a special day made by the power of the priesthood that Greg has developed into using with sweet tenderness. I am grateful as each of my children moves another step forward on the covenant path and that they are choosing to be good and do good. I am grateful for their testimonies and individual way of living and walking with God. These are the reward days of motherhood.

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