Sunday, December 2, 2018

12.2.18 Siblings

She's just a sweet gift! So I have random pictures of her, not of my taking, that are too sweet not to save. She is mostly patient loves to be held and is happy when in the mix of life. Eyes open or closed she knows her people and likes to be sung to, talked to, listen to stories, played with and carted around the house by people half a size bigger. She's an ideal youngest sibling. 

When the question came pre-thanksgiving who was making pumpkin pie the pumpkin man happily volunteered. He happily gathered supplies and read the recipe making his first solo pumpkin pies. They were great! Another skill set began. Love this funny serious guy. 

Another pre-thanksgiving (they all are in this post) I should have known when Bruce wanted a nap that something was up. He later began a high fever that lasted four days his first encounter with the cold sore virus that is rampant in our family. See that line they are imaginarily not crossing? That's where I was lying. Oh so much of my sleep is loved by these two. Again I need to be thankful as I do sleep well with sweet babes next to me. Although I do love the freedom to toss and turn and stretch all alone.

Aliza visiting with her spirited cousin Cambree who is anxiously hoping for a turn to hold Alia. Cambree was the first person to suspect I might be pregnant and loves to get to love on our baby. She is a cutey with lots of ideas and energy!

Playing at grandma corns with the legos and cousins.

Harold loves the power to purchase. His most recent acquisition was his Auto Club shirt. He looks sharp in it and is enjoying learning more automotive skills.

The kids were privileged to learn of a special program called I'll Push You. A motivational evening with two men who came from Ontario. The kids had a great time listening and pondering who they could/would serve. We truly enjoy the late nights we spend with the oldest three digesting, laughing, and considering their most recent experiences. 

When Greg and I were dating, I was impressed with his closeness to his sisters. They were friends they had shared so much life together and truly had each other's best interest at heart. When Anna and HArold were just a year apart in age I decided we must continue the pattern and have a baby 18 months later. It was overwhelming and scary to have that many children so close in age (ha-ha who knew then it would just be the pattern?!) but I am so thankful now for that choice.
These three work so well together. They too have each other's best interest at heart. They watch out for each other from studying together, to encouraging and challenging and covering for each other. They know each other's strengths and appreciate them. There is not a lot of fighting, some of course, but mostly they honestly love each other. I am thankful for that. The world gets more and more contrary and people you can count on are rare. Siblings are part of your existence forever and to love and value them makes that such a rich rewarding experience. I am thankful for my siblings who see life as I do generally and who teach me and answer my questions as I am the old sister now! Families are gifts! I am thankful for the one I come from, the one I married into, and the one I have birthed.

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