Sunday, June 6, 2021

6.5.21 passing time

One of the things we learned in the hospital was the need to have something meaningful to do. At first a movie here and there, catching up on current events, talking with people on the phone was enough. Yet, as the days wore on and Mark got more confined to the bed we realized he needed something to do. One day I had an idea about him learning to shape balloon animals. A dear friend had done this for a primary activity day, she was my first phone call. She graciously allowed us to use her tools and supplies. Mark hit YouTube and learned to fashion a dog and flower. 

It was so good to see genuine smiles on Mark and even better to share some happiness with others. 

He had to spend precise amounts of time dangling his leg over the edge of the bed. Thus the balloon twisting was a nice diversion. This flower went to his sweet nurse. She was surprised. The dog went to a fellow patient a five year old girl who may have been in the PICU for brain tumors. 
At home smoothered in bodies, hugs, and closeness. After feeling like they didn't miss me at all, the little kids would not talk to me on the phone, I came home to find they did in fact need me still. Alia had fallen over the edge of our stairs about a 7-9 foot drop/ She would not walk without crying for about 18 hours. To say I was worried was an understatement. I rushed home the next morning to assess the situation and to take her to the chiropractor. It was so nice to just be with my family for a while. 
Cousin Michael sent a care package. Farm magazines and papers, chips, and jerky. This treat made Mark's days a little brighter. 
Bathing in the hospital is something completely different than home. Pre-op you have to use special wipes. The doctor was generous saying Mark could bathe after several days of PICU life it was nonetheless a nice return to normal, sort of. 
At home Man learning to balance while dad does push-ups. I went back and forth a lot in the last week. Boise one day home one day.
Mark getting up for the first time all the way vertical post surgery. The quilt in the background was my project to pass the time after I finished the sampler. 
One of my trips home required time spent cultivating the young corn. I took pictures so Mark could keep abreast of what was going on at home. 

Trying to keep the hospital stay fresh we had bakery treats one morning. I found Granny c's bakery in Boise. The owner is the son of my grade school cook. They weren't as good as I remember her's but a nice treat. The rasberry cream cheese roll was so decadent. 
On removal day we found the mighty doppler that had been the contant noise in Mark's room since surgery was so tiny. That white string is all that was in his leg listening for the flow of blood and the workign of the valves. There were definite pattern differences from when he laid down completely to sitting upright in bed, to dangling the leg. Our bodies are amazing and the more we look or observe them the more marvelous they become. 
Getting ready to help Mark with his first water bath since he went to the hospital. His brothers were shocked at all the help I still give him. As Mark said this is nothing compared to where I have been. So true, in this journey he has incrementally gone from independence to total reliance on others then back to mostly independent. Life is all about perspective. 
We were able to leave the hospital 4 days earlier than we anticipated. We got to our hometown just in time for his brother's graduation. I sent MArk home with his sister Aliza and dad and I went to graduation. I was worried about Mark. I texted and got the answer all was fine why was I worried? Yet when I got home the first words were Mark is bleeding!! 
He had hopped and scooted around the house. The added pressure of resting his knee on the scooter was too much for his barely knit together skin and the incision site split. The frist five days home were nerve wracking hoping we were doing all his care correctly and that he would in fact heal. 
Obviously a big part of his healing is the love and attention of his siblings. They of course were just delighted to have him home. 
Livy with her first balloon animal. She is quite creative and able. 

 And just cuz. Our post graduation all under one roof Sunday nap. We are blessed and so loved. A week has passed and we are all still just soaking up being together. I am so thankful for all these bodies that share our space. It has been crazy there's been lots of worry and frustration trying to stay clean, stay dry, stay on time with medicines- even keeping track of the medicine, but all in all the power of love and drive to be together motivates this process to keep moving on. 

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