Wednesday, June 9, 2021

6.9.21 Lotsa talent

When people heard about our large family in the hospital we got a lot of comments. From you must be so talented/busy/stretched to you must be so good at creating so many talents. I shrugged this is just what we do. The girls had their final art class and completed their free paint pictures of their own design. Art was a great outlet and stretch to learn new skills and to socialize with other aspiring artists. 
Mark at his first appointment getting his tapes changed at the infusion center. HOw thankful we have become for people who dedicate their lives to caring, helping, and healing others. I have said many times thank you for taking so many tests and studying for so many years so you could help my son! I truly mean this. 
On morning I found these treasures on the window ledge. Birds eggs and tadpoles. My budding naturalist had observed these in the wild and brought them home to observe. I remember well the stories of George Washington Carver, Teddy Roosevelt, and Thomas Edison. I'm trying to be patient and encourage all learning. Thankfully Livy put a larger dish on the tadpole container. I told her I didn't want to find frogs hopping around my kitchen one morning!
Back home back to work, this time side dressing the corn. 
A picture of almost finished! It is good to be home to be working and to be healing. The earth is glorious! 

 And so life goes on. There has been time for rest, time for correction, time for growing. Summer is all about growing and resting. There's so many lessons inherent to farming. You end up where you look, keep your eye on where you are going. The world is beautiful and full of diversity. Quiet is good for thinking. Work makes for confidence. You are and have to be tougher and more careful than may be natural. I am blessed. 

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