Tuesday, June 8, 2021

6.8.21 Summer time

Since Merle-Jack has turned 1 he has definitely preferred his dad. He cries most when dad leaves him. 
Mark wanted pictures. Reed has grown so much taking over so many responsibilities on the farm. He notices, is careful and is tired with so much on his plate. This is how men are made. 
Millie has loved so much time to read and read. She is a bookworm! There are 40 books in this series and she has read about 35 of them. Summer is the best time or another great time to read lots of books. 

Coloring is another fun passtime. One of Mark's hospital gift bags had markers. The kids had a great time coloring. 

Of course no coloring experience is complete until someone colors themselves as well. Lia is an artist and a cute two year old. 

 Normal is so good and tiring. It has been an adjustment to get back ok with all the noise, activity/chaos, and the requirements of being hte boss of this large group. We just keep chipping away at it and the days go by. 

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