Monday, June 7, 2021

6.7.21 Graduation

There are some fun traditions that go along with graduation in our town. One is the last day the teachers dress up like a senior. Harold's line coach for football chose to dress like him. I love the red hair addition. The teacher did a great impersonation. 
Harold also was granted an auto club scholarship and his medals for the recent auto skills competition. He was also awarded the largest FFA scholarship this year, and an alumni scholarship. 

This was a long anticipated moment and yet it came in bittersweet. Bitter that I wasn't more in tune with the day and sweet that it happened anyway and as is the case so many kind thoughtful moms caught the moment and share with me. We literally got into town 15 minutes before graduation. We endured the very bright sun and mild heat. It was a nice experience. 

Harold wore the FFA sash, the state FFA degree cord, and his two Auto skills USA medals. Second place in automotive diagnostics and 4th place for diesel mechanics.
Grandma and Anna watched track side, we sat in the stands. The graduates paraded all around for all to see. 

After a lot of speeches and recognition the degrees were handed out and he was complete! After many years of worry, nagging, helping, correcting, teaching, and watching another child has passed the stage of public education. We were thankful to have Anna present to celebrate and show us life continues in great ways even after high school. Harold has loved his college experience spurred on by Anna also having a college experience. 

The part of school that mattered most to Harold the social part. Football allowed him access, finally to be part of the group. To literally be on the team with his classmates. It totally changed his high school career to have that fellowship with guys like these. Harold volunteered to speak about the retiring and or leaving teachers from the school. He spoke with the ASB president, pictured here in the black and white flower lei Vincente Ortega. Harold has always loved to be in front of a crowd. They did well. 

So much is learned in high school. It's a blossoming and a refining. A trial and error and a chance to experience success. I'm thankful Harold had a great journey. His next step is his mission, we are waiting patiently for that announcement to come. He's off on his journey soon he will be off and away. 

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