Tuesday, November 16, 2021

11.16.21 Weekend Reflection

I realized since Anna and Harold left I haven't been as good about taking pictures of the group here on the very rare occasions we are all together. It's been an interesting adjustment to have them gone. I think about them often and try not to think too far ahead like how long they will be gone. We have 3 fast Sundays down with Harold and 1 with Anna. The difficulties of the cows has been pretty consuming and truly missing their skills and know-how has limited my desire to chronicle their absence. But like every glass there is a half-full side too. This group is also very capable and continues to show us who they are. They are very different each one. There is no carbon copying here. 

This is our continued attempt at gospel discussion at home. Notice the horseplay- the wrestling matches had just broken up. Reed was taking on John though he did not triumph he definitely was not just pushed over and tagged out. Those two have always loved to tangle. Merle likewise shows desire to tussle with Bruce.

 It makes Greg smile, I remember being alarmed watching him and his brother wrestle, coming from a family of sisters my brothers were far apart in age and not prone to that kind of competition it was alarming to say the least. Now in my home it's just part of what boys do when they can, and I try to stop it before anything gets broken. 

While we are not reverent I think there is great value in being together, we touch on topics, discuss the weeks timeline and events and try to share some gospel insight. It's a struggle but I'm hoping a drop in the bucket on their way to testimony and love of family life. 

Bruce likes to be like everyone else and loves to take pictures- there were about 50 of these on my phone. He is an observative, funny, and very talkative guy. I am loving watching him grow. 

This youngest brother is not to be left out. He loves to do what the big kids do and is at the age of extreme curiosity. Figuring out how the world works. He was so interested in the gears on the hand held can opener last night. He talks, not understandable yet, but he is adamant about what he wants and what should be going on. 

Millie accompanied me to town on Saturday for errands and shopping. She had achieved her first book it of the year so we figured that was a good time to redeem it. She enjoyed her personal pan pizza. She allowed me one bite. It sure smelled good! It's hard to make myself take just one kid, but it's nice to have less worry and to interact one on one with each kid. She is gone at school most the time and at night is in the house while Livy and I water thus we don't get much time together. I appreciated her company and chatter as we worked through our list. 

With the more and more lawless times we live it's a worry to take kids to town with me. I can't leave them in the car for a quick dash into a store to pick up one thing, I don't trust them out of my site. It frankly stresses me out to go to town with more than one kid. That's been a major change since COVID is going to town alone. I use to dread grocery shopping with 3-5 kids all darting in this direction and that, asking repeatedly for items throughout the store, and taking up room in the cart that I needed for groceries. Now they have little idea or concept of shopping. I admit it's less stressful, but I think it was good for them to interact, to learn not to shoplift, to see commerce in action. We listened to stories or snag songs of talking in the car while we drove, they learned some patience, I wasn't so worried what was happening or not happening at home. Trade-offs I guess. I don't think it's good for children to be hidden at home, that's a sad state of our society that children are rarely seen just put away until some distant time when they are grown up. 

Overall life is good we continue to grow and change. The days are fuller than I like but we are blessed with added strength and energy. I'm thankful for this group that is mine.  


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