Monday, November 1, 2021

11.1.21 Some days are a year long

Throughout our married life we have periodically had medical situations that required stays in Boise. This dear and angelic Aunt Shauna has always welcomed me into her home no matter how big of an emotional mess I am, and calmed my heart and provided strength and rest. Her home is a sacred place to me. I have been blessed time and again no matter the time of day I call asking for shelter to be welcomed with a quiet bed and good food. I'm so thankful for their location and more importantly their love. 
This time around with Mark's leg journey his surgery was moved from 10:30 to 7:30 a.m. We were asked to be at the hospital by 5:30 a.m. Thus I asked Aunt Shauna can we spend the night before? Of course she said yes. Addie reminded me this was the eve of Aunt Sauna and Uncle Don's donut party. They never do anything small or halfway, she makes around 1500 donuts to share with friends and neighbors present and past. 
It was humbling to see her in pre-cooking mode. I always admire observing how their minds work he's an engineer and she is fearless. No project or dream is too big. It's so interesting to see how they tackle projects. 
Bright and early the next morning we headed to the very quiet hospital. With COVID raging the hospital on critical care status only, we were blessed to get an appointment. There was a marked difference from the spring when there were lots of nurses and patients busily working towards improved health for all. We answered round after round of questions- I'm humbled that MArk is a healthy kid with no other problems. In fact I really don't count that blessing often enough that my kids are just plain healthy. So many blessings we completely overlook until life changes and we realize how big of silent gift that is. 
At home Addie was doing a fabulous job with the younger set. A picture of hair do's they requested. 

Mark waking up. He did really well, as with every other surgery. 
The work was pretty simple thus no heavy cast. Just wound care and time for the bones to completely knit together. 

I appreciate that she takes the time the littlest ones demand to be held and noticed. They can really ask for a lot. She does well keeping all ok. 
And life back at home cows to snuggle and chase. They call the red one fluffy because it's coat is to soft. They continue to fertilize our lawn... gotta watch where you step. 
After a short nap, Reed went with me to do the water. He's so good knowing how things should be done and helping me where I am weak. 
And Anna's first set of missionary pictures. She radiates happiness. This is a good time for her enhanced by pre-knowing her district and companion. 

She is in a beautiful place. 

 And Mark at home. With all his other surgeries we had nursing care for at least 24 hours post-op. I'm trying to do as good a job and expect as little as they did or to hold him back! It was so good to come home yesterday after worrying for weeks and the intensity of taking Anna to Utah I was beat! Thankfully sleep makes life smoother. And blessings that the watering was easy was an added bonus. Life is good we are going to survive still! 

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