Wednesday, November 17, 2021

11.17.21 Life is good

Last weekend before the cow situation got crazy we worked on more canning. We did applesauce and pumpkin pulp. The kids love scooping pumpkin seeds. 
Oh the hive of busy bees. This annual event is a highlight few things taste11.17.21 as good as hot fresh applesauce. The kids were great help and knew mostly what to do. 
For mutual last week these two led the group in pie making. While several of the girls brought store bought pie crust, Aliza demonstrated how simple homemade can be. The new mutual program and trying to fit back in that weekly activity since the COVID shut down has been hard to say the least. However, when you are needed and can share there is a tiny bit more desire to go. I was relieved after a lot of pushing them out the door that they came home happy and reporting a good time. Hard to know how much to push and how much to let go with teenagers. 
Man is just charming. He is cute, mostly uncomplicated or I guess non-verbal so he cries when not happy. Aliza reports he mostly just cries for me that he's totally fine when I'm gone but sure puts on a show when I return home. Lucky me. 
Last week talking with Anna we snapped this selfie to show her we are just fine and love hearing from her. I love the weekly facetime calls. I'm sure we would adjust to just written communication but oh to hear their voices and see their faces is just like a shot of love or peace each week. 
The one home playoff game. John got to play for the 4th quarter. We were not hoping for a win as we really miss him helping with the enormous workload. But we keep supporting his playing and preparing the team each week so on we go on the football journey. 
Part of the playoff ritual is mohawks. I'm not a fan of crazy hair cuts and this was hard to agree too. However, he's part of the team and all that entails. This is far better than so many other initiation rituals. So after a filling team dinner provided by the coaches a team captain called to ask for my verbal ok. He was very polite and respectful, remembering the pleading look in John's eyes when we talked about it I agreed. I was so happy it was not atrocious! I'm very thankful of this group of senior leaders on the team. They play together not thinking only they can win the game. They want this state championship very badly. They are mostly clean kids not trying to push limits or rules too far. They are smart and respectful, and have worked hard on and off the field.  They have a really good shot at the title because of all those factors, not to mention they are talented. 
Life is good we continue to learn and stretch. There are changes and opportunities everyday. My heart is content with the life I have chosen, it beats way too fast at some of the choices we make but overall I'm content. After writing about breathing easier those are probably fatal words for the week but truly this family gig is satisfying though hard. The never ending laundry heaps, the piles and piles of dishes trying to meet the needs of teaching, listening, loving, and supporting all these bodies is challenging. But my optimist or just bull headed spouse just shrugs and says what challenge? What's hard. He is a trooper for sure. 

We had a date at home Friday night. I was watching Jungle Cruise on Disney plus and he came home early enough- 9:30- to watch with us. We made popcorn and just sat next to each other with Bruce on one lap and Mark on the other side. We use to have spare time, these days it is a finite item. Yet, it was nice to not be working or exhausted and to be together. It's so easy to forget how rejuvenating a little down time is. And so nice that I continue to like him even through all the stress of daily living large. He always claims to like me, but I get very overwhelmed and stressed with the magnitude of expectation and responsibility. We covered Bruce's eyes a lot but he enjoyed being big and reported no bad dreams though he did talk about snakes the rest of the weekend from the movie. Life is good. 

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