Thursday, November 18, 2021

11.18.21 stretching

Notice the definite stereotypes in the picture. The boys are sword/stick fighting and the girls are dressing up dolls. We are equal opportunity here the girls definitely sword fight mostly the boys do not play with dolls. All play with blocks and the top play item after weapons are the plastic animals and magnetic blocks. 

Even though Mark is not fully able right now he still spends a lot of time wrestling and loving his younger brothers. One definite benefit of him recovering is all the time he spends with his younger siblings. He is interesting and listens to them. That's one thing I don't enjoy about being so busy is the lack of just being together. 

Harold told us he was sending a surprise. We were surprised and thrilled to receive a box of fabulous books. He was helping a family move and they were getting rid of these books, Harold being a product of our family recognized the treasures that they were. Thankfully these were sent to our home. 

 It's very interesting having two missionaries out, we are learning week by week what it means, where the boundaries are, and how to support and love them. As yet we are not on fire with missionary work here at home, but we try to continue being kind, involved, helpful, and concerned about others. The missionary work for the missionaries involves a lot of personal refinement, humility, and stretching to deal with others on such an all the time basis. 

All in all life is good. Life is not easy sometimes it's more pleasant and less full than others but there are always hard spots. We love and support and encourage as best we can along with teach, give instructions and help from our limited capacity far away. A new way of parenting for sure. Can't beleive those two are so old already. I am blessed. 

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