Tuesday, November 2, 2021

11.2.21 Breathing Easy

 How thankful I am for a lull between big expectations. I'm not sure what is next on our life schedule besides normal daily things: the assorted meetings, football playoff games, kids activities, more cows and lots more fencing. Yet, it feels so good to just be breathing again. To not be holding my breath and wondering how we are gonna manage. We are figuring it out and it's ok. 

This weekend as a finale to the week we celebrated Halloween at the annual family trick or treat party. 

I love that we were in a beet field! So fun and not so muddy as the road.
Uncle Kevin asked knowledge questions of each trick or treater if they were right they got candy if not they got another question. Brilliant!

As usual we had farm trouble and were late. The water truck, the second most important vehicle on the farm right now after the reliable little blue loader tractor, would not start, the starter had failed. After getting the gears stuck- they are very old and a very tight pattern as opposed to the newer farm trucks that is a broad pattern. Greg fixed that problem but the truck would still not start. So Reed got the little blue tractor and hooked the truck to it with a chain. Mark from home and Reed in-person, gave me instructions on what I was to do in the truck. Again I was so thankful for my very capable sons who have been trained by my husband.


I think I use to possess capacity to tackle projects but with the overload of so much responsibility and pieces of information that's not me anymore. I did manage to not burn the rolls- thank you to Millie for noticing the timer and taking them out. 

I was so thankful to hear the big kids were coming into town from their trip to the National FFA convention. How I miss their non-whiney, responsible, capable help! The Calvary returned!

Mark also insisted we unwrap his leg and look at it. I was not happy with what I saw. 

I do not love dealing with blood on my children and am somewhat worried about infection just because of our past experience. Thus I reached out to the doctor, a major don't cross line in medicine, to get his expert opinion. Thankfully he is a completely decent person not thinking he is far above us common folk. He responded via text with instructions and kindness. I wasn't up to the task until the other activities were complete. We both breathed deep and went for it gently removing the very stuck guaze. We got to the wound watched it bleed for a while then re-dressed it an wrapped it up. Another day in the books. The second dressing last night went much better no open bleeding. And so today with all this in the past I'm breathing a bit easier. Life is good. Strength is so many different accomplishments. Sometimes it's actual seeing like winning something or breaking a record. Sometimes it's just enduring. We are blessed. And I'm so thankful to be in this week filled with manageable stuff. Life is good. 

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