Sunday, July 31, 2022

7.31.22 Happy Place

This is Mark's happy place working for Uncle Kevin driving the big green tractors with a buddy by his side for the cherry on top. Merle loves Mark he adores going with him on the four wheeler is good but tractors are the best. This tractor is new enough to have a buddy seat!! Or as Merle says "My seat!" We had Bruce with us a few days later we offered to have them both go Merle was adamant only he could sit in his seat. 

This day I even got to drive. Not the semi, Andrea and I were just waiting for a ride in the shade. No I got to drive my Grandma Corn's red truck. Ahh the memories of being in the passenger seat, and the ahh I felt for my grandma being so knowledgeable to drive a truck. 

 My grandmas would knit, crochet, read books and magazines. Another truck driver pieced very difficult quilts or cut quilt squares. Of course these ingenious women were before the mind numbing time wasting cell phone age. Yes I am guilty of wasting a lot of time while my hands are full oy babies.

This day it was nice to feel that jolt of importantness that I was helping, I was part of the team. It's hard to feel that just in the background at home doing dishes or always nursing.  It's a feeling I get everytime I get in a truck. There's a lot of talk and quandary why there is such a mental health crisis. To me people don't have real stuff to do. They aren't challenged on enough levels, there is too much isolation and aloneness. Natural connections to family, nature, and being needed are gone in our modern age. We can just buy it, hire it, or ignore it all together. Anyway enough philosophy. I'm thankful my kids get to taste that need to grow in their abilities and be part of the team. Life is good. 

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