Tuesday, October 11, 2022

10.11.22 Lia birthday

Everyday is pretty full right now. Lia rode with me in the truck and I told her the story of her birth. How I had driven truck that year too with a big belly hitting the steering wheel all the time. It was hard. But she waited until we were done with corn. When we finished she came quickly and we spent lots of time together just holding and loving her. It's discouraging to still be going in corn when I know we were done earlier in years past. But I also got a ticket on Halloween years ago when driving truck so hopefully I won't be driving that late this year. 
Being a young child Alia does not have strong remembrance of what she loves or not for food. Well besides saying she just wanted to eat cake. So she had 2 cupcakes for her lunch and some chocolate milk. For dinner I remembered she likes pancakes. So we made her two pancakes added whipped cream and sprinkles and a candle. She was pleased. 
Addie made herself a small stack. We had told Lia to open her eyes wide as she had closed them in the picture before. 
The boys sampling whatever was offered. Cupcakes with whip cream and a pancake.
Livy and Millie followed a pictture tutorial and drew her donut unicorns. She was thrilled
And more cupcakes finally with singing and candles it took a lot of tries and people to extinguish these 4 candles. 

 Oh our sweet litle ones. Greg, John, Mark and Reed were out doing water for the cows. We enjoyed our unique dinner- the rest of us had stir fry. And ended the long weekend with scriptures about God giving us work to do even before we were born. That even though Jeremiah felt he could not do what was asked the Lord strengthened him and he became a mighty prophet. We too are blessed and life is good. Here go's another week. 

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