Monday, October 31, 2022

10.31.22 Back at Home XC District and Football game

Oh my little Addie, I was so worried about missing this meet. I'm thankful a fellow mom took lots of pictures. My sweet dad went to the race and was guided by a good friend on how to watch all parts of the race. They ran from spot to spot on the course to cheer Addie on. 
Addie and the other state qualifier Trevor.
She fought hard in this race, and ran fast. She is 5 seconds from her goal time. 
She did PR with 20:04. 
Her friend Megan will be her buddy going to state. The top 7 go to state. Addie really edged out the #8 girl to make-it. I'm so proud of her fight at the end all season she has been passed right at the finish this time she didn't let the girl. 

Yep she came back and did it. The coach was surprised she ran that fast but I told Addie you have more in you than even you know. That's the impressive part of running sometimes you find more to give. That was a day she did. 

 And John with his friend. John is loving football and enjoys being the big man on the field. I'm thankful he is having such a good experience. We have a lot of good things happening in our family right now. There have been years and years of teaching work, get up when you get beat and try again, respect, follow the word of wisdom, don't get mired in boy girl relationships in high school, and work you have to work hard no matter the weather or challenge we get the job done. For right now and maybe every after work is an essential part of success in this life. I'm loving being the mom just wishing I knew had to be in two or three places at one time. How I miss the days of being home reading with my kids. Life is good and this too is part of parenting. 

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