Friday, October 14, 2022

10.14.22 Harvest

Harvest was something I dreaded all year. The extreme amounts of time and the hope that we would in fact have anything to harvest. I was in awe as the corn grew this year and then as it stayed green for so long even after the water was turned off. We planted two different day lengths which was actually really nice to have a short break between the two varieties. Mark in his happy spot. He does have a lot of skill here. He never spills and the loads don't generally blow off that he loads. We were super thankful to have Uncle Kevin's truck. Automatics are just so nice to drive. 
Harold asked for more farm pictures so I documented the harvest pretty heavy this week. I guess it's helpful for their home connection to see what we are doing. 
I was blessed to be in nature a lot. The moon was spectacular. 
Greg and I worked together solo with all 4 at home kids on Monday. 

The boys enjoyed spaghetti and time with dad. 
Me getting ready to drive. Talking to missionaries not paying enough attention to Greg and thus we spilled some. OOps. 
My daily sidekick. We are so thankful to be able to have our kids work with us. It's hard and stressful to keep track of them and listen to the tears of boredom and tired. But we love being with them. 
Greg showing Reed how to drive the track. Thankfully he did fill that role for a few days. 

We were surprised to learn people pay to play in shell corn. Our lucky boys had truckloads to smooth out. 
She could manage time in the car seat if I let her out when we were on gravel roads. 

Another beautiful evening even better no traffic. I worry with every load of some person passing me while I'm turning. Thankfully that only happened two times this year. 
The crew ready to go ride. 
Eating chicken nuggets in the truck. 
Another day back in the track tractor. She loved chewing on the steering wheel. 

Almost done. This is what Greg loves tractors, farming, me, his kids. Best times right here. 
Andrea got food all over her pants so we left them home, she managed farming just fine pantless. 

The end of the farming season! Such a huge relief. 
Now we are onto watering cows. It's a lot of time together watching cows and enjoying the weather. 

Seriously cows are calming. They are pretty peaceful and reliable when their simple needs are met. There is something so empowering to be able to care for them. 

 So that's been our week and will be our months until January. We work together we are thankful and we are tired. Life is good. 

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