Wednesday, October 12, 2022

10.12.22 Promptings

Aliza came home a few weekends ago and it was so great to have her back. While here we had some conversations with the older kids that we just hadn't while she was a way. Some stuff came out that was worrisome. I had the strong feeling I needed to get this group back to the temple for some peace and rest. I struggled with how to do that. Homework is intense at night. My kids miss me when I'm gone. How to meet the various needs at so many stages is really hard right now. I told the kids I wanted to take them on Tuesday. I was gone all day Monday and was tired. Yet I also got a text that there would be no football practice and a reduced XC practice. 
Addie texted and asked me if they were going to the temple Tuesday morning. I said I wasn't sure meaning I Was tired. I asked Greg he didn't refuse. I had the thought why leave the kids with a babysitter why not ask if Grandpa could take them and I would stay with the younger kids. He was open to that and thus they ended up in the temple and were home by 7:30.

THus I could tackle projects like this. 
And see if we could manage the vocabulary list Livy has every week. She enjoyed and was so creative with the clay. I really thought we were making progress...

Alas the test was just as dismal as ever. WE will try again and we will continue to find options. I see lots of growth in Livy understanding and confidence. Growing up just takes time. I read yesterday we learn more from failing than succeeding. That is true I work much harder to understand when I or my kids are failing. We will get this. She has talents no one else has and she is good to be patient and not give up. Each kid takes a different approach and we work as a team. I work with her, Addie works with her, Reed works with her. We all work to success and completing what is expected. 
Addie let the younger ones brush her hair. She is kind to let them they love this. 
Lia has the generation old struggle of hateing her beautiful curly hair. She is delighted to be able to wear a bun like others here. We are working to teach her she is beautiful and loved. 
Andrea is learning to climb stairs and weathering falling down the said stairs. She is also good about eating the best food for a nights sleep is potatoes. Love her smiles and hugs. 
Bruce cut his hair. I see pieces missing in Merle's hair too. Bruce likes it I have not taken a razor to even it out. lots of years ago i freaked out about this. Now with much more perspective and obligations I don't care. I mean I'm disappointed and think it looks silly but whatever. Life is good we keep rolling and working. 


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