Saturday, April 29, 2023

4.29.23 Brian Memorial

We attended the celebration of life for my cousin Brian Taylor. Brian was a kind soul reluctant for praise but diligent in his stewardships. He worked hard and loyally to the same employer his whole career. The party was held in the shop he spent a lot of his not outside time in. It was an impressive gathering full of people wishing the family condolence. 
His chair where he would rest as his body got weaker due to the cancer and treatments. 
A mock spray rig where he spent a lot of his career. On most farms there is one person who is the master sprayer. This takes know how, attention to detail, and time. Lots of time as the weather provides challenges like wind or rain or heat. Brian was proud of his ability to keep working even thought his body was suffering and being overtaken by a merciless invader like tumors. 
I'm thankful Greg knows and understands my family. He is able to talk to anyone and has good relations with all. This is our neighbor and cousin in law Kerry.
My dad and his cousin Teresa. 
Teresa, Kathleen, Grandma, and my mom
There was an area to play in the kids of course had a good time on pedal tractors moving around. 

Some were ready to go far sooner than the others. 
Uncle Justin and Jim his mini me. 

Andrea has been battling some sickness for a week. I was thankful she appeared normal and happy for the party. 

I love seeing the pictures of the kids working together to make play more fun. 

At home the evening devotional time. I'm so thankful for each one. They are unique they are boistrous and big. I am truly blessed by each one. 

 I'm thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. To know that He lives again and that I can too, that death is a progression not an end and not really a beginning but a next step. I'm thankful to know we have time continued on the other side of this life to continue learning, choosing, and working. I know God is merciful I know He wants to love and help each of us, here and there. I know that when I search diligently for Him I find His hand in each part of my life. I know that He cares. I know that there is more than this life and this life is about challenges. I know its up to me how close or far away I choose to be from Him. He's not hiding but I sure can by my actions, thoughts, and feelings. I continue to work to Look to Him and trust He is kind. I am blessed by kind people who have helped, encouraged and loved me. Brian encouraged and taught me while he was here. I appreciated his sharing. I'm thankful I knew him and his family for many years.  

Friday, April 28, 2023

4.28.23 Welcome home Party

We hosted a party for Annas welcome home. I was very nervous about this but it all worked out nicely. In fact is was very pleasant. Early in the week the weather man predicted rain. As the week tore on the forecast changed and the weather looked to be ok. We worked and worked to make the yard and house presentable. Thanks to the girls time, talents, and muscle it was comfortable to have people here. Friends and family helped with the food and accommodations and we were set. I had invited a lot of acquaintances and they kept telling me they had plans. I began to worry no one would come. Alas as the hours rolled on there were just enough to get to visit with all a bit and to have a nice time. 

After eating a impromptu softball game started for the kids. Some of the guests are really good at softball and encouraged and taught the rest how to play. All had a good time and no one or window was hurt. I so appreciated the patient fun way all the kids got to bat and run bases. 

And some chose to visit some more. And that's ok there was time and space to do what you wanted just relaxing in the nice day. 

Elle pitched and pitched. All these little girls got a turn. The catcher was her brother LJ. When he passed us the sacrament this week Merle's eyes lit up and said my friend. I'm thankful my kids make friends and for people to patiently work with them to have good times. 

These two went rounds over the two dolls. Alia is use to getting her way and this little one is a younger sister to much older siblings thus mostly an only child. They had to manage their desires for the same toy and in the end shared time and space happily. It's important to learn to share. I was so happy to see these pictures after the initial talk and separation to explain the need to share with those younger than us. 

It was nice to gather and relax. The spirit of Sunday and friendship was felt. It was worth the work. We will do this again maybe even before Harold comes home. I'm thankful for friends and time to breathe and visit. We live surrounded by kind caring people and are blessed by them in our lives. 

Thursday, April 27, 2023

4.27.23 4-H pigs

Its that time of year again where pigs are purchased and poses are struck to state the intention of showing a pig at the county fair. The kids love this experience. They enjoy getting to know the pigs and working with them. Many days I've heard oh Reed and or Bruce are in the pig pen. The smells in our house change some around this time too. It's part of the deal living in the country with animals and kids. Reed doesn't think it smells at all- true farmer right there. This year may be slightly more interesting to them after the breeding discussion at Christmas time. 

Bruce is all in on the pig farming project. I only wish 4-h started a little sooner. But when he gets of age he will be very skilled. He loves the pigs and spends a lot of time everyday with them. I'm encouraging Alivia to also show a pig she is working on getting comfortable around them. 
Addie of course has no reservations and is an expert. 
Andrea is so much happier outside with the kids than watching through a window or alone in the house with mom. 
We also have a bottle calf. It has a swollen knee. We gave it some antibiotic last night so hopefully that will stop hurting. 
The kids are generally pretty willing to share their time and patience with the younger ones. Reed was doing double duty gathering eggs and holding Andrea. 

A Sunday treat is popcorn. Greg ate  a lot of this to stay alive in college. We too enjoy the simple yet desirable snack. 

Bruce also got a pig picture although we didn't have to turn his in. 

We are continually working to build readers and spark ideas. The local libraries have a fine collection of books that work to cycle through month after month year after year. Aliza is the best book chooser. She finds ones I pass over. Notably she goes alone with out kids pulling apart bookshelves or having to potty or playing on the computers. She says she just feels drawn to some books. 
Showing off her new look for the summer. Cowgirl western suits her I think. 
I will miss these ladies so much but know its imperative for their growth to be elsewhere and independent. We will continue to search for opportunities and ways to instill the same qualities in the kids still here. Life is good and we are blessed.