Tuesday, April 25, 2023

4.25.23 Easter

Easter! One of our traditions is filling easter eggs with candy to donate to the local community hunt. The kids love this activity and the saying many hands make light work is real. I'm thankful to mostly just be responsible for buying the supplies. Added bonus this year was the older girls were here to help. 

Addie just could not bear the thought of no easter egg hunt at home. The kids were not interested in dying eggs. We did paint some with water color and paintbrushes earlier in the week. But general dying eggs the turned down the three offers I made to do it with them. So Addie true to style hid some empty eggs for the kids outside. Andrea and Millie are watching her hide. 
Just cuz he is so cute. The night before we had pizza. The remaining dough Merle worked with for the entire hour I was making pizza. He had the best time rolling and flouring that dough again and again. I'm glad he was so happy and that I didn't stop that. Usually I do and shouldn't. He is such a happy guy. 
Andrea was thrilled to hunt eggs. 
John had just returned from a weekend getaway with the auto club to Portland Oregon area. 

After our shortened church services we took a family drive to the full reservoir. Andrea got out while we drove slowly around looking at the water stored. She loes to ride this way. Even giving Greg a head massage. 
We haven't seen this much water in years. This is an answer to our coninuted prayers for enoguh water for a crop.
After am mini-fasting session we didn't eat breakfast pre-church, we had bunny shaped pancakes. I grew up with this tradition but haven't done it more than a few times in my own house. The kids were impressed. 

The never ending food line. Millie cut bananas and strawberries for toppings. 
More egg hunting pictures. Addie helped Andrea have a good experience. 

Life is good! Easter is a primary reason for that. The gift of the infinite Atonement. A Savior who understands all and loves us enough to die for us. A long seeing and understanding Heavenly Father who has given us this life and then a whole Millenium without Satan to work through our difficulties. We are blessed by knowledge of their plan. We are so thankful for the Atonement and the great power in Easter! Life does go on, we too will rise again. We are blessed. 

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