Monday, April 24, 2023

4.23.23 The good life

I'm behind on posting as everyday is chuck full of either preparing or recovering from the mass that was expected/accomplished the day before. For one month almost to the day I have 13 kids in my home. We have accomplished a lot and yet each night I try to convince them sleep is a gift not a punishment and we really should go to bed. They en masse don't believe me.
We had cousins come. Shown are Newell, Myla, and Merle. Same age. 
So many memories have been made over this red tablecloth. Uncle Bryce is so good to tell the kids stories about his mission. 
Andrea and Miriam Flake. Andrea is older by about 4 months but they are pretty similar in movement abilities. 

Traditionally we go to the Owyhee Dam sometime during spring break. This year there was just too much going on. My parents graciously hosted a very large group at their house for a picnic, play, and visiting. The kids always have a great time.  

Man what would life be without marshmellow roasting? That is sucha  simple joy yet a great skill. Mark was very good at patiently toasting perfectly golden offerings. Uncle Justin and Ty manage the other cooking- bacon and hotdogs respectively. 

Unfortunately coats were still very necessary but we enjoyed being outdoors in spite of the unseasonable cold day. 
The benefit of the change of venue was more family could come. I'm so thankful our families are good friends and comfortable with sharing time together. 
We are a family of talkers. 
And huggers, and swingers, and dirt loving people. 

Merle is so adamant about wearing jeans. Unfortunately he cant' button them so he hounds me when he has unbottoned them to button him back up. He is such a cute boy we are thankful for his determination to be big. 
After almost a year maybe just 6 months of just being the child Andrea has won over Addie and enjoys spending time with her. The more involved Addie is in her athletics and finds her spot in her bigger high school class the more relaxed and settled she has become. I'm thankful these two have found a spot to be friendly. Sibling friendship, respect, trust and love are important to me. 
Of course Millie is the best at comforting Andrea to sleep. How thankful I am for the patience of siblings in helping nurture the younger kiddos. 

Anna back in the mix. We were discussing things we had learned in general conference and making a palm leaf to commemorate palm sunday. 
Andrea so thrilled to also be part of the group taking her turn to share. 
After our leaders asked us to more fully celebrate Easter- like Christmas I thought an Easter tree was necessary. I found one local for $15. We used silk flowers and pictures of Jesus' life to decorate our tree. I'm not sure that it was any more or less festive but I was trying. Andrea is super curious and was investigating. 

Lots and lots of bike riding has been happening. Bruce outgrew his little bike and jumped straight into a teenage size bike. He pedals like the wind up and down the road enough to cause a blister on his hand. He also crashed a few times thanks to the neighbors dog cutting him off. I'm not a dog fan. 
And the best part of my days and the biggest part of this year I think. These kids are going round after round being sick with something or the other. 

Afton got the cooperation award from her teacher. She is willing to work with anyone she doesn't complain or tattle or get in the fights. Afton has consistently just done her own thing and stayed out of the people messes that can be cohabiting the same space. We are thankful for her talent to love others and to dislike contention. 
Aliza came home and treated Anna to pie! Anna said she had been missing out for 18 months. Aliza has been well trained and doesn't stop with one but makes many. We have thoroughly enjoyed the almost complete family dynamic while they have been home. 
Be still my heart the precious moments of all safely gathered in, of learning, and enjoying being close to one another. I absolutely treasure these night gatherings. Wrestling, fighting, jockeying for your spot, and fitting in the space. Sharing, wandering off, testifying and trying. We are very blessed. 
I'm so behind in cataloging as it has been a swirl of life, emotions, expectations, and enjoyments. All in all we are blessed, the holy ghost does guide and protect, and life is Good. 

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