Friday, April 7, 2023

4.7.23 Homecoming

Wow we are one week post and life has been so crammed full for these past few days. We made signs, mostly to channel some excited energy. Livy did her side Lia did the Done lettering. 
Andrea loves to do what everyone else is doing. She tried tasting the paint. Yum Yum. 
John came home and worked on his own poster. he does actually love to paint and create. He really enjoys being artistic.

Millie and Afton made this poster. 
I realized it would be just as easy to take the kids early enough to go to the temple before her flight arrived. So we hurried and gathered everyone to take the teenagers to the temple. 

After a slow drive around the block and a trip through the car wash we played in the parking lot for a few minutes. 
The big kids got out and raced to the car. 
We got to the airport to find there was no parking. Thankfully Mark took us to the overflow parking lot then we waited and waited for the shuttle. We made it in plenty of time although while waiting we were so worried we missed her landing and coming off the airplane. 
Anna came off sobbing. It was so good to hold her but I was surprised at her total crying. I just held her and told her it was all going to be ok. Eventually she gained her composure to hug everyone else. 

The kids weren't sure what to do. Alia came to also hug Anna and try to make her feel better. 

Anna flew home with a friend from the mission she is seen in the background also hugging her family. 

The cousins brought nice gifts of flowers and balloons. 

We are blessed to have so much family support. We appreciate the continued guidance and love of aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. 

Anna was surprised at how big her brothers had gotten. Andrea was ok with her holding her. 
Off to the baggage claim and to find the car. 
We went to the buffet for lunch and stories, then to the stake president's house. Greg went and had a tooth pulled as he had a root canal go bad. He was in so much pain. After the extraction he came to Anna's release then took her home with him. We got home before them and Andrea watched through the windows the kids coming in. 

 We have 13 kids home for 4 weeks this month. I'm so thankful for all the personalities. I'm thankful for quiet inspiration that helped solve some problems. With strategic curtain hanging we created enough darkness for sleeping and or privacy for dressing. The kids rearrange and share in the delight of older sisters. It is so good to become reacquainted. It is enormously pleasing to see and hear the growth. It is challenging to shift roles from boss to mentor/watching. 

We are thankful for her service and interest in each of the children here. We are so blessed to be together. Life is good. 

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