Monday, July 31, 2023

7.31.23 Summer catch-up

After keeping animals alive hte next hurdle for fair entry is record book interviews. The kids did so well. After a scramble to find some suitable nice clothes I thought they cleaned up pretty well. 
First cucumber. With each item we harvest I'm so thankful and marvel that we are eating what we planted and nurtured. It's still thrilling. 
John after working on a pivot problem. He's really into shorts this summer. So be it, I think the mosquitoes appreciate that choice too. We are sure thankful for the skills of these strong men in our home. I'm pretty sure this was after changing a flat tire. Those are just muddy no matter how you do it. 
We eat zuchini about 10 times a week with almost every dinner and sometimes as lunch side. We love the watery treat thankfully our 5 plants are abundant producers. 
Livy got to check out some books at the library she loved the Guiness Records books. It is good to see her reading. 
Lia is such a great potato finder. The kids have been involved from purchase to plant to pulling weeds to manure spreading and hilling up to digging them its really rewarding to eat the garden potatoes this year. 

At the last minute we sent Mark to FSY on his own for a week. This was his counselor. He had a great time. 
Cousin Becca had a pond party we really enjoy paddle boarding. The cousins were so kind to share. 
Andrea riding with Reed. 

A very happy Lia and Merle. 
We went through the clothes boxes and got rid of at least half if not more. Donated most and burned what was not worth keeping or sharing. This is a huge project but very necessary with so many growing and active people. We have another round to do right before school starts. 
Modeling new school clothes. Harold had a blue striped shirt he wore all the time as a toddler. Now Bruce has one for first grade. 
A rare morning breakfast with dad. 

We are thankful for the moments we get to share a meal with Greg he is always on the go and has lots scheduled in a day. We are grateful he can keep up with his own ambition mostly. We are blessed with plenty and so happy to take breaks from the responsibilities of the day. We are blessed

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

7.19.23 summer here and there

We came home from our early 4th of July morning activites to find the pivot stopped. This has been the story since we took over the farm, and before. The guys ended up sorting through this mess on each tower or wheel section these are control boxes. 

After two days of testing everything on the pivot and they found multiple broken connections that were a chain reaction from the pump shorting out as it died. A mere 24 hours and they had it going. This was a very challenging fix as so many components were broken in the chain. They replaced the pump the next day. It is glorious to see this machine run, the constant up and down and hanging on the rungs of the ladder were very hard on Greg but time heals and the ability to solve problems is his special talent. It struck me today that he is a fix-it guy who in turn has trained many more in his sons and daughters. They all have confidence they can fix things. So step by step wire by wire they work to eliminate possibilities until they find the broken spot. They have a lot of Patience!
An afternoon snack while watching the 1941 version of pride and prejudice. We have not finished the movie yet we started it two weeks ago. 
Melted chocolate chips spread on pretzels. We all enjoyed Afton's idea. 
We packed up and left a few minutes after the pretzel pictures to go south for a funeral. I ended up in the hall and library with the young crew while Greg and company enjoyed the stories of a truly interesting man. 

These three are busy and friendly. They are so fun to watch grow. The older kids love them so much and enjoy teaching them. 

When we got home I found the bugs had erupted. Aphids covering the rose blossoms. Only this one plant 15 others with no aphids thankfully. 

Sweet baby works hard to keep up with everyone and all they want to do but she still needs a nap everyday. She is a deep sleeper though very challenging to get to sleep. It's hard to think that summer is half over. The challenge of June has settled into the routine of July and the understanding of how to live all together each day. We are thankful for time to live our life and do what has to be done. Life is good. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

7.18.23 garden harvesting

We have been enjoying just enough zucchini. This year I planted 5 plants plus a patty pan plant. I hoped we would have enough to bake and cook with. Many people love steamed zucchini and it's easy to run out at a meal. We were very happy when the plants began producing.  
I was taking pictures to share with the kids away from home and Lia is very cute. I told her she was cute and she said you are beautiful because you are dad's girl. That is an endearing trait he has cultivated always telling me I'm beautiful. I've heard his grandfather was similar with the compliments to his grandma Doris. What a lovely characteristic to pass on. 
WE have found mulch to be a great addition to landscaping. We used grass clippings a lot in June. It does take longer when mowing but the health of the plants we applied it to made it worth the effort. 
First carrots. They are crunchy and sweet and so fun to find in the ground. The kids are often pulling carrots to see what they look like. 
After church on the fourth of July weekend we visited the stone house museum in our town. Everyone was not happy about that but we thoroughly enjoyed wandering around and looking at relics from the past. The books showing pictures of the past are treasures of information. We really enjoyed this change to our normal after church. GReg and I went to a quilt show after this. The kids were allowed to go home with their grumpy selves. We enjoyed the air conditioning and viewing such craftsmanship as a small town quilt show usually showcases. 
Our attempt at starting beans. I was so happy to see so many come up. We ar now trying to keep the transplants alive in the garden. Beans are so finicky about water. 
We enjoyed two buckets of ice cream I bought this summer. I usually buy some of the big buckets to beat the heat and enjoy the labors of the day. Andrea fully approves of this habit.  
Likewise Lia thinks this ia  great ending to the day too. 
Harold with his second to last companion on the beach. His one request for when he comes home is to get in the water. It has been challenging to be so close and yet so obedient to not get wet for two years. We are so pleased with his growth and endurance. One month and he will be home. 
Andrea loves to look at books and often is found flipping pages. 
These two were taught well by older siblings. At our house the wise kids put some away for later. These two got their containers and also stowed some brownies away for the next day. Bruce obviously had the larger container but they both had a stash to enjoy the next day. 
Our first big harvest day. Beets, carrots, potatoes, and zucchini. They were so proud to harvest the potatoes. 
Unfortunately not long after we found this very sad sight. The first to succumb to something? Maybe squash bugs maybe a blight? I removed the plant and the roots were decent. We have lost another plant since then. I actually planted 5 more zucchini yesterday in a different location hoping we will have more this fall. I'm curious about fall planting and am trying a few things lettuce, spinach, peas, carrots, potatoes, beets, and swiss chard. The family vetoed kale. 
We moved all the boxes away looking for bugs. We found a lot of flea beetles but those are suppose to be beneficial. I spread seven dust all over and left most of the ground uncovered. It was nice to have a weed free area. The garden is a lot of work, which is a nice start to the day but there are always more weeds to pull and water to tend. We have a pumpking and some watermelons growing. I'm so bad about disrupting fruit in the effort to pull weeds. We have harvested some cucumbers and green beans. Reed has eaten some tomatoes. I have about 50 plants I hope to get some too. I shake the plants most days trying to assist in pollinating. I had the girls pollinate cucumbers today by hand. The bees were buzzing but not landing due to the seven dust I think. It's such a question kill the pests deter the pollinators there is no harvest without the pollinator but also of the plant is killed then there is no harvest. Life is good and we are enjoying the harvest. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

7.11.23 Serving

Ahh my kinetic girls. So much potential energy sitting all bottled up right there. They are and will be such forces. We are getting to know them in new situations and expectations. 
Remember the baby who doesn't like to sleep and keeps her mother up. This is 5 pm the next day. Sweet baby getting ready for another rollicking evening. 
So we could survive thinning peaches. 
WE arrived late with our full van of workers. We don't worry too much about assigned times because we do a lot when we get there and will finish. 
Afton learned the expectation and process. 

The incredible big kids. It's so hard to put so much fruit on the ground but I know when we return to pick there will be a lo of fruit. And the church is known for large healthy fruit. 
We got to the end of the second row and the leader said well I guess we will come back another night. I chuckled to myself the sun was still up we were there and working well. I thought that's fine if you leave but we will finish this next row. We started thinning as we moved back towards the cars. They joined us and we visited as we worked. Thankfully we were able to finish in about half an hour. Greg does not quit of leave when there's still work to do. It's his talent and terrible trait. I spent a lot of that row holding and cajoling Andrea and Merle. Our kind friend shared tootsie pops with the kids two times. I do buy treats for my kids but they eat them willy-nilly so the reward part rarely works out. I was thankful for his sharing. 

We came home and had scones. 
The next day the kids helped with the Rodeo BBQ serving burgers and salads at the grand marshall recognition dinner. It's really hard to leave the farm and to keep all the water going that should be happening these other events are a nice break from the norm. We are thankful for small breaks. Life is good and we are blessed. 

Monday, July 10, 2023

7.10.23 More summer

This was such a surprise to see on day on my facebook feed. I have been waiting almost 21 months to hear Harold say he loved us. I'm thankful for his growth and service and all who helped him develop. We are really looking forward to meeting him in a few weeks. 
The neighbors corn got frozen. Can you see the yellow tops. This happened in the 20's of June. I'm not sure of the exact date but whole fields after the 6 feet that was warmed by the pavement and air flow from the highway are nipped. Now weeks later the corn is still growing but it was shocking to see so late in the year. 
Andrea loves to watch what I'm doing and get tastes. She is such a delight and busy lady. 
Anna and Aliza showing us the horse group they work with. There are indeed a lot of horses. Paradise according to Anna. 
Addie is always busy. I'm sure thankful for her efficiency and abilities. 
We enjoyed celebrating Millie for her birthday. 

Andrea does not like to go to bed. This is a picture of her around midnight I'm giving up on putting her to sleep knowing she is close and will stop playing if I leave. 
I was recruited to help drive the tractor while Mark cleaned the end guns. Missing is the water squirting us while we do this because you need the water running to push out the plugs but the restrictions of the sprinklers needs to be removed. 
Merle and mom enjoying some meal. He's such a cutey. 
A lot of times I am just tired when we get to meals. Andrea enjoys eating but is a lot free range eating on top of her tray this day. We do love her and need to reign her in or house break her. 
Reed butchering a pig at man's camp. Love that he can do whatever is asked for. 
I try to take sometime to paint each week. Using a plate to mix and hold colors. The colors are just pretty and I like the creative outlet. 

The kids got to go to the temple last month.

 Each day has many events there's lots to do, learn, care for, and take care of. I'm blessed to have so much that is mine- it's been a struggle to internally believe this this summer. I've been so overwhelmed with the problems, trying to teach and train the next group, to manage all that is required and to not just give up. But part of why I write and review pictuers snapped during the days is to review and see condensed the good that is our life. I don't take pictures of the continual correcting, explaining, choosing to ignore, and teaching and teaching that is life with lots of children.  Life is good and we are blessed in spite of our very mortal journey.