Tuesday, July 18, 2023

7.18.23 garden harvesting

We have been enjoying just enough zucchini. This year I planted 5 plants plus a patty pan plant. I hoped we would have enough to bake and cook with. Many people love steamed zucchini and it's easy to run out at a meal. We were very happy when the plants began producing.  
I was taking pictures to share with the kids away from home and Lia is very cute. I told her she was cute and she said you are beautiful because you are dad's girl. That is an endearing trait he has cultivated always telling me I'm beautiful. I've heard his grandfather was similar with the compliments to his grandma Doris. What a lovely characteristic to pass on. 
WE have found mulch to be a great addition to landscaping. We used grass clippings a lot in June. It does take longer when mowing but the health of the plants we applied it to made it worth the effort. 
First carrots. They are crunchy and sweet and so fun to find in the ground. The kids are often pulling carrots to see what they look like. 
After church on the fourth of July weekend we visited the stone house museum in our town. Everyone was not happy about that but we thoroughly enjoyed wandering around and looking at relics from the past. The books showing pictures of the past are treasures of information. We really enjoyed this change to our normal after church. GReg and I went to a quilt show after this. The kids were allowed to go home with their grumpy selves. We enjoyed the air conditioning and viewing such craftsmanship as a small town quilt show usually showcases. 
Our attempt at starting beans. I was so happy to see so many come up. We ar now trying to keep the transplants alive in the garden. Beans are so finicky about water. 
We enjoyed two buckets of ice cream I bought this summer. I usually buy some of the big buckets to beat the heat and enjoy the labors of the day. Andrea fully approves of this habit.  
Likewise Lia thinks this ia  great ending to the day too. 
Harold with his second to last companion on the beach. His one request for when he comes home is to get in the water. It has been challenging to be so close and yet so obedient to not get wet for two years. We are so pleased with his growth and endurance. One month and he will be home. 
Andrea loves to look at books and often is found flipping pages. 
These two were taught well by older siblings. At our house the wise kids put some away for later. These two got their containers and also stowed some brownies away for the next day. Bruce obviously had the larger container but they both had a stash to enjoy the next day. 
Our first big harvest day. Beets, carrots, potatoes, and zucchini. They were so proud to harvest the potatoes. 
Unfortunately not long after we found this very sad sight. The first to succumb to something? Maybe squash bugs maybe a blight? I removed the plant and the roots were decent. We have lost another plant since then. I actually planted 5 more zucchini yesterday in a different location hoping we will have more this fall. I'm curious about fall planting and am trying a few things lettuce, spinach, peas, carrots, potatoes, beets, and swiss chard. The family vetoed kale. 
We moved all the boxes away looking for bugs. We found a lot of flea beetles but those are suppose to be beneficial. I spread seven dust all over and left most of the ground uncovered. It was nice to have a weed free area. The garden is a lot of work, which is a nice start to the day but there are always more weeds to pull and water to tend. We have a pumpking and some watermelons growing. I'm so bad about disrupting fruit in the effort to pull weeds. We have harvested some cucumbers and green beans. Reed has eaten some tomatoes. I have about 50 plants I hope to get some too. I shake the plants most days trying to assist in pollinating. I had the girls pollinate cucumbers today by hand. The bees were buzzing but not landing due to the seven dust I think. It's such a question kill the pests deter the pollinators there is no harvest without the pollinator but also of the plant is killed then there is no harvest. Life is good and we are enjoying the harvest. 

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