Tuesday, July 11, 2023

7.11.23 Serving

Ahh my kinetic girls. So much potential energy sitting all bottled up right there. They are and will be such forces. We are getting to know them in new situations and expectations. 
Remember the baby who doesn't like to sleep and keeps her mother up. This is 5 pm the next day. Sweet baby getting ready for another rollicking evening. 
So we could survive thinning peaches. 
WE arrived late with our full van of workers. We don't worry too much about assigned times because we do a lot when we get there and will finish. 
Afton learned the expectation and process. 

The incredible big kids. It's so hard to put so much fruit on the ground but I know when we return to pick there will be a lo of fruit. And the church is known for large healthy fruit. 
We got to the end of the second row and the leader said well I guess we will come back another night. I chuckled to myself the sun was still up we were there and working well. I thought that's fine if you leave but we will finish this next row. We started thinning as we moved back towards the cars. They joined us and we visited as we worked. Thankfully we were able to finish in about half an hour. Greg does not quit of leave when there's still work to do. It's his talent and terrible trait. I spent a lot of that row holding and cajoling Andrea and Merle. Our kind friend shared tootsie pops with the kids two times. I do buy treats for my kids but they eat them willy-nilly so the reward part rarely works out. I was thankful for his sharing. 

We came home and had scones. 
The next day the kids helped with the Rodeo BBQ serving burgers and salads at the grand marshall recognition dinner. It's really hard to leave the farm and to keep all the water going that should be happening these other events are a nice break from the norm. We are thankful for small breaks. Life is good and we are blessed. 

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