Sunday, July 9, 2023

7.9.23 Summer harvests

An accidental early cutting of a swath of hay required hand pick-up. Honestly the kids don't mind scooping and stomping the hay too much. They enjoy the ride on the hay down to the farm to deliver it to the waiting cows. 

A sunday full bed. On thing about our house there's a lot of time together, sometimes happy like this, and sometimes bitter. Good with the bad always present here. 

We have been enjoying small harvest from our garden this past week. A nice potatoe.

We planted quite a bit of basil as a trap plant hoping that it would help our tomatoes survive from the ever present bugs. This purple basil is so pretty. 

Green basil I froze all these leaves for use in pesto later. 
For Millie's birthday the kids made crepes. It takes a while to make enough crepes to fill that crew. 
Anna and Aliza worked for the greenhouse lady. A flat of sweet peas got touched by frost she wasn't sure they were gonna live so the girls brought the plants home. I planted them and was rewarded with a beautiful bouquet in late June. Fun to get flowers from them when they have been gone for so long. 
Summer is a time of a lot. We have too much to do or take care of all the time. Thus we do as much as we can and call it enough. We work 5 days a week in the garden battling weeds and now bugs as the heat begins. The crops look good and have set fruit. It's exciting to harvest things we like to eat. It's challenging to work together or to watch and then correct the lack of work happening. It's an up and down. The farm is looking good but there is plenty that is not happening, there is a lot expected and ultimately we are working to raise kids who have self-esteem, self-discipline, and so many more characteristics. We are blessed to be together so much. Life is good. 

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