Monday, July 10, 2023

7.10.23 More summer

This was such a surprise to see on day on my facebook feed. I have been waiting almost 21 months to hear Harold say he loved us. I'm thankful for his growth and service and all who helped him develop. We are really looking forward to meeting him in a few weeks. 
The neighbors corn got frozen. Can you see the yellow tops. This happened in the 20's of June. I'm not sure of the exact date but whole fields after the 6 feet that was warmed by the pavement and air flow from the highway are nipped. Now weeks later the corn is still growing but it was shocking to see so late in the year. 
Andrea loves to watch what I'm doing and get tastes. She is such a delight and busy lady. 
Anna and Aliza showing us the horse group they work with. There are indeed a lot of horses. Paradise according to Anna. 
Addie is always busy. I'm sure thankful for her efficiency and abilities. 
We enjoyed celebrating Millie for her birthday. 

Andrea does not like to go to bed. This is a picture of her around midnight I'm giving up on putting her to sleep knowing she is close and will stop playing if I leave. 
I was recruited to help drive the tractor while Mark cleaned the end guns. Missing is the water squirting us while we do this because you need the water running to push out the plugs but the restrictions of the sprinklers needs to be removed. 
Merle and mom enjoying some meal. He's such a cutey. 
A lot of times I am just tired when we get to meals. Andrea enjoys eating but is a lot free range eating on top of her tray this day. We do love her and need to reign her in or house break her. 
Reed butchering a pig at man's camp. Love that he can do whatever is asked for. 
I try to take sometime to paint each week. Using a plate to mix and hold colors. The colors are just pretty and I like the creative outlet. 

The kids got to go to the temple last month.

 Each day has many events there's lots to do, learn, care for, and take care of. I'm blessed to have so much that is mine- it's been a struggle to internally believe this this summer. I've been so overwhelmed with the problems, trying to teach and train the next group, to manage all that is required and to not just give up. But part of why I write and review pictuers snapped during the days is to review and see condensed the good that is our life. I don't take pictures of the continual correcting, explaining, choosing to ignore, and teaching and teaching that is life with lots of children.  Life is good and we are blessed in spite of our very mortal journey. 

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