Monday, July 31, 2023

7.31.23 Summer catch-up

After keeping animals alive hte next hurdle for fair entry is record book interviews. The kids did so well. After a scramble to find some suitable nice clothes I thought they cleaned up pretty well. 
First cucumber. With each item we harvest I'm so thankful and marvel that we are eating what we planted and nurtured. It's still thrilling. 
John after working on a pivot problem. He's really into shorts this summer. So be it, I think the mosquitoes appreciate that choice too. We are sure thankful for the skills of these strong men in our home. I'm pretty sure this was after changing a flat tire. Those are just muddy no matter how you do it. 
We eat zuchini about 10 times a week with almost every dinner and sometimes as lunch side. We love the watery treat thankfully our 5 plants are abundant producers. 
Livy got to check out some books at the library she loved the Guiness Records books. It is good to see her reading. 
Lia is such a great potato finder. The kids have been involved from purchase to plant to pulling weeds to manure spreading and hilling up to digging them its really rewarding to eat the garden potatoes this year. 

At the last minute we sent Mark to FSY on his own for a week. This was his counselor. He had a great time. 
Cousin Becca had a pond party we really enjoy paddle boarding. The cousins were so kind to share. 
Andrea riding with Reed. 

A very happy Lia and Merle. 
We went through the clothes boxes and got rid of at least half if not more. Donated most and burned what was not worth keeping or sharing. This is a huge project but very necessary with so many growing and active people. We have another round to do right before school starts. 
Modeling new school clothes. Harold had a blue striped shirt he wore all the time as a toddler. Now Bruce has one for first grade. 
A rare morning breakfast with dad. 

We are thankful for the moments we get to share a meal with Greg he is always on the go and has lots scheduled in a day. We are grateful he can keep up with his own ambition mostly. We are blessed with plenty and so happy to take breaks from the responsibilities of the day. We are blessed

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