Wednesday, November 29, 2023

11.29.23 Thanksgiving

We worked all day Wednesday before Thanksgiving and produced 11 finished pies and one birthday cake. Two shells were not filled and eventually just ended up broken in pieces on my couch as extra cooking was daunting on top of all the regular cooking required for a family of 16. 

One addition to the break was workout time. Addie is driven and the other kids will work out with her. 

A quick picture as we sat down for the feast. It was so peaceful to go to my sister's house. It was new and exciting and so pretty. She used her china and grandma's turkey plates. We had fancy glasses and space to spread out.  The food was delicious, of course. Greg, Mark, Reed, and Harold were all a bit late as they had decided to finish the corn harvest. I was furious but such is life. Greg does not do well waiting around with "spare"time. 

Back at home was another batch of cousins. The kids really enjoy all the play that is part of their holidays with various cousins visiting. 

These two like to keep a close eye on me and in my lap. They do well independently for a while but most of the time is holding them. 

Sam Bruce and Evander had a good time dreaming and scheming. Merle was just a bit too young for this group. Each combination has different limits and allowances. 
My favorite was having my house full of my kids. We loved having the older kids back in the mix. 

Back to Thanksgiving the hosts had an impressive collection of magnet tiles the kids really enjoyed playing and creating. 

Additionally, there was a huge dollhouse. Space is something we are very short on so we appreciate going to other places that aren't so full of people and enjoying their toys for a while. 

The horse collection was so fun as well. 

he pie table and the big helpers. It's essential to have lots and lots of pie. This party was just fine on pie. 

I appreciate how my bug guys like to interact with children. They are always friendly and willing to give a tickle and or ride. I'm thankful for young men who love children. 

A fun addition to the day was singing some primary songs. The children know the same songs from primary. They sounded great. 

After we were done Isaac wanted to sing one more. I sang to him "I am a Child of God." 

Andrea loves pie. She was sporting a black eye from hitting our table at home with her face as the bench pivoted her lighter weight when an older bigger sister sat on the other end. 

Lots of satisfied bellies. 

Greg sharing the latest news from our town and fielding questions from the Grandma's. 
It was a nice day, relaxing and peaceful. We are abundantly blessed daily and as we stop to think of what is ours. This month we took at least 4 times to name 3-10 blessings we enjoyed. The kids hope we go again to this event. Life is good. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

11.28.23 Make-over

I've begun to work on books for our businesses. Lia gets bored watching me type and type. She decided I needed a makeover and was thrilled to try out her ideas on my face. 

Lipstick is so exciting to younger girls. She was sure Greg was going to love me so much more with lipstick. She also darkened my eyebrows. She mostly stayed in the lines. 

She was thrilled with the results. 

Merle woke up in time to get a lipstick kiss too. The reason I don't love lipstick it gets everywhere. 

Another big part of the day is watering the cows. Thankfully it has been pretty temperate. We have only needed sweatshirts and gloves. This week an inversion has set in and thus out come the Carhart and long johns. We have beautiful evening skies though we are always impressed with the colors and calm while watering the cows. 

We celebrated some birthdays with our two return missionaries. It was nice to be able to celebrate with them. I can hardly believe they have been part of my life for so many years now numbering decades. I'm sure pleased with who they have become. 

At school, there was a lifting contest. John wasn't up for 275 to bench press. Mark was there to give an assist. John did master 260 no problem. I don't think Mark lifted that day officially. 

The kids have been inside a lot more playing and playing and scratching and fighting. Oh how we miss the outside of summer. Thankfully we are still battling the many leaves on the ground. So if kids get too out of line they are outside raking and picking up another pile of leaves. 
We got to spend time with our Ward cousins. Sarah loved Andrea and was good to play with her while here. 

Andrea spends a lot of time doing what she sees her siblings doing. She is really interested in books, as they are. Between homework and pleasure, a lot of noses are in books every day here. 

 Seasons change, days and years pass and we continue working to improve and grow. We deal with setbacks and habits that aren't positive. We work to repent and do better. Uncle Larry sent a letter suggesting we spend TIME every day developing a relationship with the Savior and God by reading the scriptures. He explained no one can give that knowledge to you, you have to work to earn it. I loved that.So we continue to adjust and work to become better. Life is good and made over everyday. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

11.21.23 Abundant blessings

Merle has become our inhouse bread expert. This was a creation last week. Thinking simple indents weren't effective or noticeable enough Merle used the chocolate chips we were snacking on to enliven the rising dough. I picked most of them off when I discovered his addition. It does kind of look like the loaf has a tongue sticking out too. 
We made sure Merle got the end with the chocolate chips. He wasn't so impressed with the final product but the rest of the loaf was devoured. 
It's silly but there are certain times of year I really look forward to the grocery adds. I was taught long ago to shop the adds. They are usually really good this time of year so I was busy researching and comparing last week when they came out. Since then we have made several trips to most of the grocery stores around to get the deals, and enough of the deals. The new limits through coupons is frustrating when I daily feed over 12 people half of which eat very well. 
One of the novelties Lia found was pie. She was delighted that there were ready-made pies available for purchase. Friday night I took all the kids to the bank located conveniently in the grocery store. After we were done banking we got the deals, in the checkout line I thought why not broaden their world so we hurried to the freezer case to select a pie. Lia was sad we had to wait for it to defrost- which worked great with making and eating dinner. After dinner, we opened the pie and shared it carefully. They are smaller and smaller each year. The pie was good but of course not enough for 15. So I rushed to make a similar homemade version for John and Greg who missed out. 
I love the good habits the younger kids learn just by watching and being around the older kids. Of course, there are plenty of unwanted lessons. But life is quicker and maybe richer with older siblings. Andrea is a great copycat/kitten right now. We are working to teach her some sign language as she gets so frustrated we don't understand her grunts and voice changes. She doesn't say many words hi and mom are the most reliable. 
For football playoffs the team does mohawks. I devlined the first round shave off but let the guys prepare for the second game. I think the hair cuts are so silly. The guys worked each other over witht he clippers. 

They were happy with the end result.
Reed is a feisty with his younger siblings but the two littlest sure love him. He's gentle and tough all combined. A major perk of parenting is getting to know your kids as they grow and mature. I'm excited to see where Reed takes us. He is interesting and highly responsible. I'm so thankful for his ability to get things done, even when we are so frustrated we can't find him for hours on end he's usually at least 75% of the time doing what we asked we just can't see it. 
The best part of wintertime is hot chocolate! Of course, everyone must have some. Addie loves hot chocolate as does everyone else. They are all figuring out how to make this nice little treat. 

 We are abundantly blessed. I met a woman in a store last weekend who repeatedly told me repeatedly fertility is a gift. Most people don't pinpoint the obvious so succinctly but I have pondered that the past few days and yes I am blessed with all these people hungry as they may be all the time. Life is good and full for that we are grateful. 

Friday, November 17, 2023

11.16.23 Flower sharing

We were gifted some flowers too many for us to enjoy so we decided to share. I've been trying to figure out what to do with these younger kids, that is just with them. It's such a challenge for my head to divide activities. My energy is finite so I have to choose a new activity or sleeper robot mode during the day and vice versa at night when the whole crew is home. Yet this was a great opportunity to get out the door and share some care with our neighbors and friends, so go we went.                     
It's always fun to take flowers to the door, besides the squabble of who's turn it was these two did great! Of course with Aliza along everything always goes smoothly. 

I was holding the flower box and my still very tender in my sore leg. They did a great job sharing some smiles and love. Alia is in the stage of loving everyone. 

At home, we have been making a compost pile. We have ample leaves and the kids know we use them to improve our soil. Merle was delighted to discover some nice dirt under some leaves. He has been farming in it for a week. 
A Sunday activity was writing some cards. Merle had to be on the team but his contributions were pulling eary, squeezing throat and generally being an obnoxious younger brother. 

I will say the next morning he was so sad that Bruce was back in school. I'm so thankful for the years those two had together brothers need brothers to rough them up and endure the constant wrestling and tussling that is just part of being a little boy. 
Reed also takes turns managing the brothers but this little sister sure loves his gentle side. She's happy and smiles freely when he is around. She is not in the loving everyone stage so trust is earned not freely given from her. 
It's a constant balancing act to take care of all the requirements and demands of 13 kids in the house. I've been pondering screen time and interaction and what I can do to better the world. Those are heavy hard questions but I can say I have been enriched by motivational books, study groups, and even the pre-school morning songs that occupy the young ones while I do more and more dishes. I'm thankful for the constant interaction even though it is wearing. The continual crying when it's just me and the younger ones is mind-numbing. Thankfully each day the reserves show up around 4 and the family dynamic spreads back into very manageable levels. I am blessed to continue my quest to do better and be better. Life is good. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

11.15.23 Final football

Leading up to the playoffs the district voted on players and my guys made second-team defense. I love that they played beside each other and supported each other literally holding the other team and crashing through their offensive and defensive efforts. 

Another favorite from the season was the way Mark held the line all the time. He would be the lone defensive man standing waiting between plays at the place of action. His stance suggests "bring it on, I got ya I'm ready." I love the other sides of my kids I see when they compete. 

John is back in weights class he has really developed into a strong man. 

We were asked to prepare inspirational posters for the bus ride to state. These are what I came up with. 
Mark also had his moment of stardom being the lead on a story from the local sports writer. He of course didn't like the picture but I thought it a fitting portrayal of how he plays. 
While we sink back into work and school and the thrill and hope of the next game fades until next time. It's a journey and adventure rolled into one. It takes a lot of time for the guys to play at the level expected. There is constant disagreement on what is expected both here and there. At the end of the year, I can see the lessons as we trudge through each season it is hard. I didn't post this last week because we were still in the hard and frustrating and hopeful. You are only young once and learning to work together and push your limits are important lessons also learning your contributions unique to you, are important, is affirming too. So we continue to make sacrifices and look forward to Reed entering the arena next year and another run at the elusive title of top winner. But in the end scores aren't the only indicator of success and worth. I believe that champions are also people with heart, endurance, integrity and faith. I'm thankful my guys are gaining experience in each of those categories as they play the game. We are blessed and life is good .