Wednesday, November 1, 2023

11.1.23 last October weekend

The younger four had a miserable week of fevers and crabbiness. I hate to be wallowing in misery if antibiotics can solve our problem and get us back to happy kids. This Saturday morning we headed to the doctor's office for a strep test. Aliza took the middle three girls to look for Halloween accessories. I spend a lot of time and attention on the older kids I figured a few dollars on dress-up stuff was only fair. I'm so thankful she managed the running here and there looking for stuff while we waited and waited at the doctor's office. These guys were curious! 

Thankfully they are healthy and just working through the virus. So we were good to attend the family Halloween party. 
As usual, Aunt Mary stole the show with her Mary Poppins costume. I'm so not into Halloween we are not a dress-up group. Oh well, we enjoyed the event and all the candy. It was a cold evening but nice to take a break to enjoy a simple festive gathering. My parents are the most welcoming hosts and this gravel area has given many great memories of life lived. 
Addie was flying to Chicago to begin her week-long adventure in the midwest. This was the first picture we received. From somewhere in Illinois. 
We had a sweet friend leaving on her mission. We didn't read the text well enough and ended up at the wrong chapel at the wrong time. Realizing our mistake we re-loaded up our big van and dashed to the next town to again miss the sacrament but be in time for her talk. The stooges in the back held up the wall. Bruce wandered back and forth from our rows to the back stack of chairs. It's always enlightening to attend other wards. I love gathering new ideas and perspectives. 
After church and a delightful luncheon, the guys had a few minutes of competitive cornhole.

John won! 10-5 Mark and Reed were not as happy about that. Livy loved the nachos!! Only a few kids were hit with bean bags in the process. 
Honestly, it was just really nice to spend some peaceful time together as a family. We work a lot, fight in equal measures, and are often going in different directions. It was nice to just enjoy no responsibility of lessons or callings, no food to prepare or clean-up just chilling literally as it was about 50 degrees outside. The sun was shining and the grass was green so outside we played. Aliza head counted before we drove off and we discovered two missing redheads without leaving the property. 
 I'm thankful for those small moments and the gift it is to have this family. Life is good and we are blessed. 


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