Friday, November 17, 2023

11.16.23 Flower sharing

We were gifted some flowers too many for us to enjoy so we decided to share. I've been trying to figure out what to do with these younger kids, that is just with them. It's such a challenge for my head to divide activities. My energy is finite so I have to choose a new activity or sleeper robot mode during the day and vice versa at night when the whole crew is home. Yet this was a great opportunity to get out the door and share some care with our neighbors and friends, so go we went.                     
It's always fun to take flowers to the door, besides the squabble of who's turn it was these two did great! Of course with Aliza along everything always goes smoothly. 

I was holding the flower box and my still very tender in my sore leg. They did a great job sharing some smiles and love. Alia is in the stage of loving everyone. 

At home, we have been making a compost pile. We have ample leaves and the kids know we use them to improve our soil. Merle was delighted to discover some nice dirt under some leaves. He has been farming in it for a week. 
A Sunday activity was writing some cards. Merle had to be on the team but his contributions were pulling eary, squeezing throat and generally being an obnoxious younger brother. 

I will say the next morning he was so sad that Bruce was back in school. I'm so thankful for the years those two had together brothers need brothers to rough them up and endure the constant wrestling and tussling that is just part of being a little boy. 
Reed also takes turns managing the brothers but this little sister sure loves his gentle side. She's happy and smiles freely when he is around. She is not in the loving everyone stage so trust is earned not freely given from her. 
It's a constant balancing act to take care of all the requirements and demands of 13 kids in the house. I've been pondering screen time and interaction and what I can do to better the world. Those are heavy hard questions but I can say I have been enriched by motivational books, study groups, and even the pre-school morning songs that occupy the young ones while I do more and more dishes. I'm thankful for the constant interaction even though it is wearing. The continual crying when it's just me and the younger ones is mind-numbing. Thankfully each day the reserves show up around 4 and the family dynamic spreads back into very manageable levels. I am blessed to continue my quest to do better and be better. Life is good. 

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