Wednesday, November 15, 2023

11.15.23 Final football

Leading up to the playoffs the district voted on players and my guys made second-team defense. I love that they played beside each other and supported each other literally holding the other team and crashing through their offensive and defensive efforts. 

Another favorite from the season was the way Mark held the line all the time. He would be the lone defensive man standing waiting between plays at the place of action. His stance suggests "bring it on, I got ya I'm ready." I love the other sides of my kids I see when they compete. 

John is back in weights class he has really developed into a strong man. 

We were asked to prepare inspirational posters for the bus ride to state. These are what I came up with. 
Mark also had his moment of stardom being the lead on a story from the local sports writer. He of course didn't like the picture but I thought it a fitting portrayal of how he plays. 
While we sink back into work and school and the thrill and hope of the next game fades until next time. It's a journey and adventure rolled into one. It takes a lot of time for the guys to play at the level expected. There is constant disagreement on what is expected both here and there. At the end of the year, I can see the lessons as we trudge through each season it is hard. I didn't post this last week because we were still in the hard and frustrating and hopeful. You are only young once and learning to work together and push your limits are important lessons also learning your contributions unique to you, are important, is affirming too. So we continue to make sacrifices and look forward to Reed entering the arena next year and another run at the elusive title of top winner. But in the end scores aren't the only indicator of success and worth. I believe that champions are also people with heart, endurance, integrity and faith. I'm thankful my guys are gaining experience in each of those categories as they play the game. We are blessed and life is good .


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