Monday, November 6, 2023

11.6.23 State cross country

We drove over the mountains to Eugene encountering the rain. There was so much rain! Thankfully the silver lining was the moderate temperature. I think it's hard to perform well when it's cold. This weather was also challenging to be literally soaked, but the body wasn't in shock as quickly.  

It's a different experience to be alone. That blue circle is my one runner on her own among the teams and hordes of other fellow runners. It is a bit sad to see her alone working on the warmup. The team aspect of cross country was driven home this race. 

Addie had been gone to the National FFA convention for the week touring the midwestern states seeing new sites and living life apart from the normal day-to-day of home. She promised to go to bed early and to run some. She managed this well there is however a 2-hour time difference 3 from the west coast where state is held. She and a friend flew alone from Indianapolis Indiana on Friday arriving in Eugene mid-afternoon. A kind grandma picked them up and headed to burgers later providing a home-cooked spaghetti dinner. These gifts were so welcome after a week on the road. The next morning we got to see and hug Addie. That was so nice. We watched another cross country team breakfast and prepared for the day. At the race we watched Addie warm up and then run her race. She somewhere in that pack maybe a bit ahead in that picture. With so many runners it was hard to break into the spot she likes to run. 

At this point, she is 10th in the race. She ran a little more than a 6-minute first mile. 

At the second mile she was 11th. Coming into the stadium she was 12th. 
We are so thankful for the concern and support of her coach. She gets Addie and works tirelessly to support and educate her how to improve and achieve her goals. 

She finished 16th again this year. That's ok with all the backstory that's really good. Looking at her times for the year it is impressive that her two best times of the season are her last two races when she has been consciously choosing to rest more. Each season one more key to success is discovered and capitalized on. 
Back at home, everyone was so happy to see Addie again. Alia just crawled into her lap and loved her for a while. Addie allows the younger kids to love her. There is something soothing and refreshing about being loved and adored by happy sweet children. I'm so thankful for these bonds. 

The team aspect of cross country has been good. I was privileged to hear the prayer of Addie and her teammate Megan prior to the race. I have watched them huddled up from afar and knew they prayed. I was so touched by the words and faith they shared this day. The petition to God to help Addie run happy and to help her feel good when she was done, that the rain would stop (it did for a bit of the race) and the quest for feeling God's love in their lives brought tears to my eyes. My hope as a mother is always that my children know and trust God. I am so thankful for friends who also have this desire. 

 It was glorious to get away for a few hours with Greg alone. We could physically feel the stress of life lift as we were confident in those we left home in charge. It is so refreshing to be free from the weight of daily and yearly living. We always find ourselves to be friends and enjoy each other's company immensely. That's easy to lose in all the requirements of each day. 

It's been good to watch our kids achieve and work for their goals. It was great to watch Addie's teammate Trevor race to win the state championship title. We have experienced the work, setbacks, resilience, and sacrifice to become a champion. Another weekend is in the books and many more to come. We are blessed. 

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